
The Guidance We Have, Here and Now

Divine souls.  Loving angels.  We are with you, right here with you, always.  Here we are and we offer love and respect in great abundance.  We hope you take it and feel it and know it to be truth because you are worthy of the love and honour coming from these higher realms.  There are so many emotions to contend with there on Earth and not only your own: You have so much to sort through and discern as your own or someone else’s.  When swept up in turmoil, it is even more difficult to gain your bearings and assess yourself.  We see you trying your best, in light of all of this, and it’s why we come to you with such high esteem and accolades.  You are in the thick of it now, and only going deeper.
This is why we are here now, at this turning point in your Earth-mission.  This, the upheaval occurring around your globe, is why we have come to be more of a presence in your lives.  We are present for you as a collective, but we are also spread out and closely involved on an individual level, as well.  There are teams of guides with each member of the Earth-consciousness.  The awakened Earthlings are more actively involved with their guides, but the others are setting the stage on an energetic level until they can meet us in an awakened state.  Much must be prepared to ready you for contact with your guides, so being in the moment is key.
The idea of waiting must be thrown out the window.  When you are in the moment, fully aware, fully present, and fully accepting of what life is offering, waiting is no longer a factor.  The concept of waiting is old and forgotten, quickly, when you live within the now.  Yes, you will still witness those around you exhibiting impatience and panic to get to where they are going, but let it not disturb your peace, sweet ones.  You have your own journey and they have theirs.  Each one is working with their team of guides and imagine this now: Each one and their guides are also working for you!  The collaboration goes beyond what the mind can fathom, but believe it.  Your mission is so important that everything you perceive has been staged in perfection to help you move within it.
Keep in your own lane, angels.  You know what must be done within your own mission and it’s to look after you and your needs.  If you feel you have needs, you veer off course, but the angels set in place will show you the way back, always.  We and the Earth-collaborators will show you the way to knowing that you need nothing because you are a complete and whole member of source-consciousness, fully equipped to carry out this mission or yours.  You are finding your own way and you are allowing everyone else to find theirs while also being their guide.  You do so much, and yet you still want to help the world, one at a time.  This is a group-effort, beautiful divine beings, and this is what we want to stress to you at this time: Let’s do this together and let’s release the pressure to take it on alone.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
