
The Many Dimensions Available to Jump Into

Our beautiful souls of Earth.  We love you!  You shine so brightly!  We do not see with eyes, but we feel the reading of your light and we see with the heart of source-consciousness.  We see everything you see on your physical world, but then we see more than that.  There are dimensions within dimensions in any world you journey into.  They must be there because they remain available to you at all times.  When you make an incredible breakthrough, you need somewhere to jump into!  So, WE have designed this creation with many dimensions layered together, no matter where the world is. 
“Where” is an Earthly term; there truly is nowhere, in a physical sense.  You trail off in daydreaming while in a waiting room, and this “where” is within your mind.  You might go to a beach and you might hear the waves and even feel the warm sun on your face.  You have just created another reality. Reality is from us and this place inside where we can envision anything we choose.  We have full access to this ability to envision, and so do you. 
Sit with us and look from our vantage point.  Go, within your mind, and imagine what we see when we look at Earth.  Remember that we are not somewhere above, far away, because there is no location except here where we feel and imagine each other.  We are in quiet contemplation, always, and we see your planet and all of them.  Look at the universe and zoom in on Earth and imagine what we might see.  This is playful and there isn’t any right answer because play is creation!  All of us create this way, angels; when we play and have fun with these visions, we literally bring them to life!  This is our power! 
We want you to access this power.  We want you to look from an unlimited perspective.  You can see as “far” as you want to see, because you create as you look.  It is all coming true AS you create it in your imagination.  This isn’t complicated because it’s just you; you are the same as us and that’s how you got there on Earth in your experience.  It is all happening at once and your memory of creating it is vague, but it’s in real time. 
Get behind the understanding that imagination and creation are occurring together and you’ll harness the freedom of exploring your realities.  You may experience many realities at the same time, or you can just focus on one.  We can tell you that if you are experiencing only one as the most real, then imagination and creation have met and decided on the very best, most favourite reality of all of them.  Explore it and find all of the reasons why it’s so incredible, but also continue to play in your others.  You are creating dimensions when you do this, and you are readying available platforms so that when you jump, you’ll have somewhere to land! 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
