
Your Choice to Follow Joy

Hello, our divine friends and beautiful lights of love. We are here with you, shining as we do, and encouraging you to shine with all of your brilliance. You are glowing with the most tremendous light of love when you open to our messages. Your light amplifies and you reach to us in our realm and we feel it and it fills us with joy. The experience of joy is one we encourage most often because it lifts you into higher realms of consciousness. When we follow our passions, we feel joy. When we play and collaborate with other brings, we find joy. When we know the love of soul-family, joy fills our beings. 
There is so much available to chase in the quest for joy, and it’s all there on your world; you only have to make the choice to follow it. Now, when you follow joy, you are also turning away from what does not feel like joy. When our channeling friend, Ali, asks her twin flame guide, Burel, how to stay in the high vibration she wants, he says, “If it doesn’t feel like play, turn away”. We are stressing the importance of play, joy, happiness, ecstasy, bliss, and all related high emotions like this because it keeps you in a higher state of consciousness where we can all meet and collaborate and most of all, expand. We spread love around and reach further into other realms of consciousness when we are reaching higher. When we turn towards anything else, we stay stagnant and we don’t feel as fulfilled or enriched.
The choice to follow joy is an easy one. You either want to feel high and full of cheer and love, or tense and confused in doubt. There are two choices and they’re yours to make. None of the guides here helping us write this message would tell you that either of these choices is right or wrong. But, we all agree that we want to offer the perspectives and make the choices easy and clear. We want you to know you have choices and we want you to follow your feelings. If you feel strongly pulled to any energy, then you are following love’s guidance. 
So, angels, the advice is not to follow your joy but to follow your heart. If your heart likes this feeling of high vibration love and expansion, then follow. If it wants to explore something else, follow. If the choice is to follow joy, then turn towards it. You know when it feels fun, collaborative, creative, expressive, and uplifting. If you want more of that, it’s there for you! There are multiple avenues of joy to explore, and if you have a clearer idea now about how to know what feels playful and what feels strained, then you are well on your way to lifting your vibration and joining those of us in the higher realms who want nothing more than to lift it with you! 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
