
Redefining Peace

Divine beings of Love, hello and welcome. We greet you with the most heartfelt wish of love and we send our light at the highest power possible. We want the best possible lives for all of you on a global level and also on an individual one. We want you to each find such peace within that your outer reality can be anything it will, but it will not have power over you. 
You see, as you transform your perception and redefine what it means to be peaceful, your world is bathed in light. A brightness covers everything which once appeared ominous or threatening to you. Now, situations, people, and news stories appear as though they are movie scenes. You’re engaged and watching with interest and anticipation, but your emotions are no longer tied up in what’s happening. 
Perception shifts when you find inner peace, and all is apparently a world-wide stage full of brilliant actors, including yourself. Seriousness dissipates, judgements fall away, and curiosity heightens. No more are you fearful about what might happen because nothing can stir your peace. Now, you watch with interest as a player in the show who knows your own part. 
You’re comfortable not knowing your lines because you know there are no mistakes. You see it clearly: There is no script and no lines because the actors are all so skilled that they can make it up on the spot. It’s the greatest improv show ever seen, so no wonder you have captured the interest of all who are on the outside, tuning in!

We’ve picked up your broadcast just as you are picking up ours. We are part of this play too, carrying out our roles as the captive and now much more engaged audience. As per your wishes, we stayed quiet and watched until you gave the signal, but now we are part of the action! 
It’s an honour to be invited into your unfolding story, beloved angels. We want to be award-winning in our roles and so we are here offering whatever we can to help make this all easier to swallow. Metaphors like this one have proven effective in soothing your suffering and confusion, and so we will continue to find ways to reach you within where your inner peace is readily available. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness 
