
This Reality is Your Gift

Hello, beautiful Ali!  We love you.  We are here.  We are within your heart now and always.  Your light is strong and bright.  Peace fills you even if the body is restless.  There can be no stirring of peace, but what is perceived can make it seem as though it is shaken.  The heart can feel as though it’s broken, but in fact, it’s always fully intact.  Your will and wish to experience is so powerful that you can even misconstrue your inner balance and equilibrium.  Your power is so great to convince you that even the spiritual truths you’ve come to uncover are challenged and swayed.

Part of your lust for experience is to fall for the set and stage of your play.  You hide the curtains, audience, and script from yourself and you’re left buying it all as reality.  You create a dream and then make it so real that you are even able to go to your feelings and believe it’s something outside of you, delivered in secret, created as a puzzle that you must find your way through.  You believe that it’s all very real and very singular, but that’s because you want to believe it!

You may have experienced a lucid dream and you know how fun it is to make choices within the dream without consequences or limits.  When you awaken to knowing that you’re the creator of the whole show, it doesn’t mean that the stage and lights suddenly appear and you step out of the daze.  Your play has changed because the director’s identity has been revealed.  However, the director has more to do.  This is only a plot twist, loving ones.  If you are still perceiving separate individuals around you, then you are still under your own enchantment.  You know the others are all you and yet they are still there, so then your masterful convincing is still in effect.  You’re lucid to an extent, but if you were fully aware, then oneness would be perceived and all individuals would disappear.

It’s important to love the seeming reality you have created because the wish of the heart is at the root.  You don’t have all the details, but that’s because you don’t want them yet.  If you’re here, perceiving separation, then the process of revealing your power and mastery is being delivered in a sweet and timely way, suited to your soul’s highest passions.  Leave it to the master at work by giving your full trust to the process.

There is something spectacular and sparkly here for you in this moment.  Watch in awe and wonder as it’s handed to you with such skill and grace and then accept it all with the most grateful heart because above it all, you know now that this is your creation, made just for you, wrapped in love, and opened one layer at a time.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
