
Turn Down the Thinking Dial

Welcome, our divine companions of Earth.  We greet you here and we welcome you and thank you for joining as we put together some words in this physical realm for your physical body to take in.  Your eyes are reading, but there’s more going on beneath the surface.  You know by now that you’re much more than just a body with its many senses.  You are awake and aware that you are a member of source-consciousness, just like we are, with all of the same abilities.  The only difference is that you are doing what you do, as consciousness, while also operating a physical vessel.
The body is a big part of your experience and it dictates much of what you perceive, as the soul.  You are taking in your surroundings through the body’s senses which are doing their best to interpret and send them to your heart/your soul.  The information sometimes gets stopped at the brain and stays there because the brain wants to figure it out before it sends it to the heart.  Many times, the mind wants to play just as much as the heart does, and so the information remains there until the mind has had its fun.  When the heart is ready to receive, it’s released, and a whole new understanding is revealed.  The heart knows and deciphers instantaneously whereas the mind takes time because it’s receiving new and unfamiliar concepts.
Our suggestion, now that you are awakened to knowing you are divinity and a powerful creator for consciousness, is to practice being divinity.  When you receive something which intrigues the mind and compels it to get caught up in figuring, calculating, and solving, calm it.  Let the puzzle rest while you let thoughts go and be in quiet peace.  Feel the love within you and think of nothing else.  Let the puzzle you’re pondering go and just be with your heart.  The mind can rest and it never has to work on figuring anything out.  Let it go, in trust, because you know you are divine and you know that nothing needs to be worked out in the mind.  Your heart has all the answers, loving ones.  There’s no need to work the brain so much and it’s time to give it a much-needed rest.
Your world is becoming a feeling and sensing place and evidence is all around you to support this.  You can see the emphasis on scores and grades becoming less prevalent.  Compassion has taken priority over what one can do or how talented they are.  Everyone is embraced just because they exist.  Even if they don’t try and even if they don’t succeed when they do try, it’s all accepted and embraced.  Making each other feel special and equal is much more important and you can see the efforts being made to find a way to operate as society incorporating these new principles.  It isn’t perfect yet, but the change is mid-stride, so you can operate as we say and you’ll move along with the flow of change which consciousness is making on Earth.
Move with the heart and all is clear, visible, and evident.  There is nothing to solve when you take it to the heart, so let the mind be at ease while you rest in the heart, in peace.
WE love you!!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
