
Be Present

Ready, my loving guides!  All of you in the realm of consciousness who come here for me and with me, I thank you.  You’re so mighty and beautiful and inspiring and bright and supportive and I love you all so much!!!
We love you, sweet angel, Ali.  We love you.  It is our divine pleasure to be here with you and for you and to speak through you as you!  We do all of this together, always.  There isn’t any separation and there never was.  For your experience in time, you’ve chosen to believe that it feels like we have been separated for a very long time, but we have never, ever been apart.  This whole “time”, while you’ve been within your experience, we’ve been sitting here, cozied up to each other, all of us in a circle, hearts united and souls on many different missions at once.  It’s hard to fathom, but that’s only because you are that brilliant at making it seem so real there in your experience.
We can’t truly ever be separated and there can’t be any other moment other than this one, but you’re so wonderfully skilled at making things seem like something else, that you have convinced yourself that this is all very true and very real.  That is, until now... Now, you are waking up within this dream you have designed with all of its seeming truths, and you are seeing what else is here.  You are seeing that there is nothing else here, in fact, but us.  Here we are, all together, sharing this heart and playing inside of the many creations we’ve designed. 
The signals are bright and vivid and they let you know when you’re on the right track.  Your feelings let you know when you are steeped too deeply into believing your dream is real.  When it feels confusing and uncomfortable to think about a past or future moment, that’s because you’re trying to think of something which does not exist.  This is your body’s way of telling you that past and future aren’t in another time; they are occurring right now, but they are also meant to be left aside for this present experience you’ve chosen.  You have chosen to focus on the present unfolding moment because of the wealth of expansion it offers.
Love this experience for what you have created it to be.  There is so much benefit to being focused on only the present because it can show you how full it is.  It shows you abundance and completion because you have all you need here in the now which then makes it unnecessary to look forward to any other moment.  Be here, be now, be present and be with your creation.  You designed it just for you, so you can know that it’s filled with everything you need to let you ascend into the higher realms and be back here again with all of us, just like you have always been. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
