
Channel Through Your Heart First

Hello and welcome!  We are here, all of us together, including the amazing higher self of our channeling friend, the sweet Ali-Ayaele.  She is always creating these words with us.  All channelers bring in a unique style all their own because they are unique in the way they express and interpret the energies they feel coming through them.  You might feel these same energies coming through you and interpret them in a completely different manner.
We are all expressing in our own unique way, as love, and no two will ever be the same.  Channelers receive a vibration from their guides and their own higher self and then they describe it in their own words.  The way they put sentences together and the colloquialisms they use come into play.  Everything about your experience as a human being will influence what you receive when you feel the energies of consciousness.
Your soul affects what you receive, too: If you have a positive outlook on life, it will be reflected in your messages because that positivity comes from your soul and not necessarily all from your experience in this lifetime as a human being.  There are traits which are ingrained in your soul, and these will always shine through in the way you interpret the energies of consciousness.
Take what you receive and interpret it in your own way.  There’s an energy within each of these messages Ali brings through and it will feel much differently to you than it does to her.  We ask that the words be the vehicle which takes you to the vibration: Feel what you read and let the mind be at rest.  The words won’t always make sense to the mind and they often don’t make sense even to Ali, but she is simply feeling and then letting the words land, consequently. 
Your heart is always your compass, dear angels.  Messages are sent to you in all ways, all the time, and they’re meant to move through your heart where you will feel a love-resonance if they inspire you.  When the vibration inspires you or intrigues you, then you can tell if it’s lighting up your heart.  If it falls flat and leaves you bored, then your heart’s just not in it.  The saying “follow your heart” is quite literal, in this sense, because the heart isn’t serious or confused.  The heart wants play and curiosity, so if that’s what you feel from any piece of information you receive, then follow it, and you’ll be on your heart’s path. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
