
Focus on Love and Thrive

Beloved ones, we greet you with full hearts and we meet you here where we are merged as one.  We are one consciousness and one heart and one love.  We are one collective with one mission and it’s to love, and experience love, and grow, as a result.  The more we experience love, the more we expand, evolve, and grow on an individual level, and on a collective level.
What one does, all receive, and vice versa.  So, when we get together like this to join our hearts in love, we are all receiving.  Those who aren’t here reading and uniting in this focus of love we give to each other are also receiving because they’re part of us; they are us.  When we meet like this to feel the love we share, we join hands with all of Source-consciousness, and hearts expand and evolve from it.
So, let’s keep our focus on what feels like love, to us.  Let’s give all of our attention to giving more love than we have been.  We can all do this because we are not doing it alone.  If one chooses to give love all of their attention, then the all involuntarily jumps in and accentuates that love.  If you sit quietly for a moment and imagine this group effort lending to the love you feel, the support will be obvious: You will feel many hearts joining for this soft and peaceful recognition within.
This love is yours and it loves the attention.  Love thrives on being noticed and it just wants to shine and express the joy it feels, as a result.  Love’s expression is so unique, depending on the experience.  Once activated, it is in top form and uses its situation to express through any means available.  If Love is experiencing a life on Earth, like you are, it will use what Earth offers, such as music, art, or words, to describe how it feels.  Each time Love comes up with a new way to share its joy, it expands because it has grown from the expression.
Use what you have and share from your heart.  You can express privately or outwardly, and the sharing is the same.  When you awaken to the love within and feel it, you have already called upon all of Source to join you and assist with your expression.  The act of feeling it is all you need because, from that, erupts the need to express.  The outpouring of Love into your physical world can help you to put more attention on what you’re feeling, but ultimately, it’s what you feel that benefits us all.
Be the Love you are and thrive on what you have available to you in this moment.  You need nothing more to be the purest expression of love you can be because you hold all of consciousness within you and that means all of Love is here within you, operating as you.  Love is who you are and feeling for it is all you need to do to thrive within your experience and thus, expand consciousness.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
