
Light Language: The Portal Into the Heart

Hello, bright stars!  We see you shining.  We feel the radiance of your love projecting out to us and it’s cause for much celebration!  In our realm where we reside in higher dimensions of consciousness, we feel you all, each one and all as a collective, as well.  We can measure, just with our senses, how much you are moving and rising through consciousness, in the moment.  There are no technical words for this, but we can use light language, at times, to assist.
Light language may be written or spoken and it is unstructured and without specific translation.  It’s a language of vibration and sensing energy.  Each expression of consciousness speaks it in its own way and it is even unstructured within each individual: Your own light language will fluctuate and shift into something different as you climb up the ladder of ascension and seek new ways to express.
There is not one language of light, beloveds.  This language is an ever-changing and evolving form of expression, with no rhyme or reason.  It is meant to be organic and versatile so that freedom is the underlying theme.  The language of light is the language of the heart and expressed in any way it wishes to erupt whether written or audibly.  Often, songs, dance, or intuitive movements will also emerge from the heart and can be translated by other hearts who feel the vibration and translate in their own unique way.
Express in the way that your soul expresses, and call it light language, if the description fits.  Freedom is the key when expressing because there are no limits.  This form of expression is purely heart-based and the brain will not be involved.  You’ll feel the shift when you are thinking about it versus feeling it.  You may play with it as much as you like and either keep it for yourself or share it, but the idea is to use it as a tool to open the expression in your heart and to feel comfortable, doing so.
Light language can be your portal, inward.  Expression of any kind, when from the heart, activates that which comes from the depth of you where your purest expression of consciousness lies.  Feel the freedom of expression and feel the inspiration.  You might inspire yourself, or you might also inspire others, but either way, accessing the portal into your heart is always recommended and we will always suggest different methods for you to do just that.
WE love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
