
Reaching Humanity With Telepathy

Welcome, one and all.  We are here with you, and we are so happy to be serving humanity in whatever way we can.  This ability we have to come through with these messages is not reserved for those in higher dimensions of consciousness: You can send and receive messages, just the same as we do.  We all have the same abilities, and we can all guide each other to find them.
If you desire to help humanity and you want to see your Earth family awaken to what they can do with the power of their minds, then you may do as we do and send telepathic messages.  There is no training needed for this, divine ones.  You are already equipped with the same skills we have, and this ability to send telepathic messages is one we’d like to see more of you utilize.
You might wonder how you can be sure your message is received, but there’s no need to wonder because it’s always received!  Those who are aware of the ability can use it, and that’s the only training you need.  Much of what we do as guides is to point out what you didn’t know you could do, and this is often the bulk of the training you require.  The suggestion is enough because we aren’t pointing to what you must gain; we are showing you what you already possess.
We’d like to invite you to practice with us.  Play with sending and receiving messages, and don’t worry about evidence.  Trust that it’s working because even if you believe no one on Earth hears you, you can know that someone out there does.  Imagine how vast consciousness is and then realize the odds that at least one is picking up your transmission.  We’ve explained that you are consciousness, so then that’s your direct tie to everyone else who is consciousness.   You can know it’s working, and you don’t need validation.
Let this be fun!  Let telepathy be a way that you can reach the masses with your messages of love and encouragement.  The internet is a great tool for getting the word out to many, but you can reach all of us when you set the intention to share from your heart directly to all of consciousness.  These messages do both; we are coming from the heart onto these pages, but we are also transmitting to all of consciousness because it can’t be helped.  If the idea is in your mind, we have all received because we are all one mind.

You have this ability of telepathy and you are ready to activate it; all it takes is the awareness that you have it and the willingness to play with it. 
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
