
Your Path of Light is Laid With Gold

This is so exciting and amazing!!!  Today is the 18th and my sisters and I have been seeing 9’s and numbers adding to 9.  Here’s one of my best examples:

7:11:09/99%/18th/+18.  7+1+1=9 and 1+8=9, so that’s 999999.  We consider 9’s and green to be signs of Archangel Raphael’s presence.  My sister was the first to point out the signs because I had posted a photo of my cat, Duncan, and he had a pretty green light in his eye-reflection.  After she said so, the signs increased!  I saw more 9’s and references to green around me, and it was almost too much to be true!  At the end of the day, we were a block from home when I saw this license plate and I couldn’t believe my eyes!  I told my husband we had to stop and turn around so I could jump out and get a picture: RAPHAEL in green letters!  And upon zooming in more closely, I could see a number on the building in the background: 225 = 9!! 

Hello, Raphael!!  After taking that photo, I was almost in tears because of the excitement and magic of it.  I heard you say, with a big, boisterous laugh, “You weren’t sure it was me?  How about my name in big green letters?” 
I love you, Raphael!!  I thought about the person who drove that vehicle: They had to be parked there exactly then, for me.  It’s so divine!!
You are so divine, loving angel!!  I am Raphael, your healer, your friend, your saviour.  No, not in that way, beloved one.  You know what I mean when I say I’m your saviour, don’t you?  Yes, it’s as you’re thinking: All of us guides are here to be your saviours by showing you that you are your own saviour!  Each one of you is your very own saviour because you call on us, you listen to us, and you heed the words.  This is how you follow in our footsteps!  This is how you create your own footsteps for others to follow!  It’s a brick road laid with gold, beloveds.  Wherever you tread, you leave a mark, a trail of light like breadcrumbs, for any soul who comes across it.
Now, as you see my signs and follow them, this is my trail of light!  You could miss the signs either out of disinterest or just simply because you don’t notice them, but there is so much joy for us guides when we see you both taking interest and also choosing to follow!  It’s a tremendous joy when a soul stumbles onto your breadcrumbs and you see their intrigue and curiosity in something you created!
These deliberately laid signs are fun for us to set in place.  You could walk right by one of them, but there will be another right around the corner.  You, of course, don’t know how many you’ve missed, but another awaits and this is where we put our focus.  There is always another sign and never any opinion either way, whether you choose to follow or not.
This is our method and we love to play these games with you, not only because you picked up our signs, but also because you are learning about the way we reach you.  You might not be able to orchestrate a divine meeting like this one where the driver of that vehicle had to be in the right place at the right time, but you have ways that you can signal to others that you have created a trail.
Story-telling is one of your most effective ways to put up a flag-post on your trail.  You share your excitement about the signs you received from your guides, and you light up the hearts of those with the same interest and curiosity you have!  If another person wants the same magic in their life, they will be drawn to walk your walk.

Not everyone is bold enough to come right out and ask you for your secrets or your methods, but the path is already laid, so your work is done.  Others will find it in their own way and in their own time, just like you have found mine and all the paths your guides have paved for you.  And remember that each time you step on one of our paths, you add your own mark, your own layer of gold, right over top of ours, and then it becomes a new path, all your own.
This has been Archangel Raphael, broadcasting live to you from the inner-realm within your heart.  I thank you for picking up my signal and for receiving my words and sharing them in the way you do.  Telling a story builds a bridge from my trail to yours, and from yours to a new follower, and so on.  We are creating an inter-connected web, as your guides and I pointed out in your latest post.  This web is forever-growing and with so many trails, there will soon be nowhere left to step but onto a path of light.
I love you all, and my heart is yours.
-Archangel Raphael

To top it off, this morning before coming here to publish this, I was drawn to pick an album to listen to on Spotify.  When I opened it, I saw the album name, “GREEN”, in all capital letters!!  I opened the picture to crop it: The time? 6:39 = 99.
