
Feel Free to Feel

Hello, sweet ones, and welcome.  We are overjoyed to be with you and we wish to express it in a way that you are able to receive and then interpret through your senses.  There is much you receive inside of your physical realm and it is all there to point you to the senses.  The senses are your way to your emotional feelings and that’s where your world is always guiding and leading you to reach. 
You all interpret what you hear or read, differently, and this can present a challenge for us when we attempt to reach you as a group.  As individuals, you might have a different idea about what a specific word means even in comparison to the dictionary, or your interpretation of the dictionary definition is different from another’s.  However, if the word has a particular meaning to you and a slightly different meaning to someone else, then we take that into consideration and provide a vibration within the words to overlay any misconstrued meaning. 
There is a technique applied to what we give to our channeler, and it is based entirely on her emotional sense.  Sometimes we give pictures to better relay an example, but she would tell you that even the pictures aren’t so visual as they are sensed by feeling.  The stimuli around you are doing the same thing.  Everything physical is there as a representative of consciousness and it wants to move you to a feeling place.
You can attest to the fact that what you see and feel affects your emotions in a variety of ways.  Your reactions are not wrong and they are not to be controlled or stifled, even though you feel they can get the better of you, oftentimes.  Our stance is to guide you to allow the feelings and interpret them in the individual way that you do.  Your uniqueness is what provides Source-consciousness with the data it needs, so whatever response you have is giving us all what we wanted to receive. 
You are in a position now to be a master of these emotional responses.  To master them is not to control them, as we mentioned, but rather it’s to master the allowing and interpretation of them.  Now that you are aware that you are serving Source by feeling your reactions, they can become welcome friends.  The other benefit to being aware is to ask for more of what triggers the emotional responses you like the most.  Leave judgement out of it because what you like might also be very different from what another likes.  But use your powers of awareness to choose to expose yourself to your most favourite stimuli and let it affect you as much as you desire. 
Let your world guide you to your feelings and you will be more in touch with the non-physical realm and all that comes with it.  You know that you hold all of who you are within you and that comes with all the knowledge you require.  The way to access it is to feel free to feel.  The more you let yourself be guided within, the more familiar you become with the senses that want to guide you from within and through your physical world.  Essentially, the two are working in collaboration: The inner guides you through the outer, and the outer guides you to the inner.  It’s your beautiful creation, so allow yourself the benefits of all of it in the way you intended. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
