
More Help Coming For Your Awakening

We are so delighted to be with you, loving angels!!  Here we are and we are so thrilled and overjoyed for this connection we share!  It is all about the connection because the connection remains secure no matter where we go or what we choose to experience.  The connection is never broken, sweet ones: We are One and so it cannot break!  One, as a whole, is one.
You might see “us”, the One, as having many molecules, all vibrating and in constant motion, but never leaving the One it makes up.  Singularly, we have our own unique experiences, but vibrationally, we make up one entity which shares in all the experiences.  One molecule might not pay attention to what another is doing, but it feels its vibration and it inherently knows that it shares a bond with the other.  We all have this inherent knowing and it remains a force and source of hope even when our attention is far-removed from being One.  We remain in trust, and we feel the will to go on because of this powerful driving force of connection flowing constant and steady beneath the surface.
Hold onto the love and connection we share.  Keep this feeling of oneness vivid and bright.  The link to everyone else, through our bond of oneness, is everything!  Just knowing that you are connected to the rest of us is enough to lift your vibration.  A higher vibration lets you sense more of One because the inherent knowing becomes the conscious knowing.  When you bring higher awareness into your conscious experience, clarity and peace are handed to you, and you can feel universal love more freely.
This is the “awakening” process, our loves.  High awareness meets sleeping separation and nuclear fusion occurs!  You are blasted off your axis and everything you thought you knew is turned properly upside down.  We are with you because we see these explosions happening rampantly around your globe and we hear the many pleas for help.  The inherent knowing of oneness is fully conscious within us and we feel your vibration and own it like it’s ours because it is!  We are here to help you make sense of the process and to pile on loads of love as the healing balm.  Keep bringing in more awareness through meditations and feeling the love, and you’ll bring even more help and clarity.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
