
Reach Them Where They Are

Hello, my sweet guides/me!  I never feel quite ready for this.  I’m still intimidated by the idea that I might not hear you or I might misinterpret what you send.  Yet, you come to me every time and you say, “We’re here” and then you just start talking and I type it out!  And I know you are higher aspects of me, of us all, and that doesn’t help because it adds pressure as if I have to come up with the topic and all of the paragraphs, etc.  But something keeps me coming back over all of this and it’s that part of me you talk about often which is innate and knows exactly what to do and is full of all the wisdom of the universe.  It feels so good when it comes through that I can put aside all the doubts and pressure and just let it be whatever it will be!
Hello, our divine and sweet Ali-Ayaele!  Here we are and we love you oh so very much, our angel!!  Oh, it’s true that we love you, and it’s true that you are hearing us and we are part of you, as you said.  We are higher aspects of you, but higher doesn’t mean better, by any means.  We can see from a higher vantage point and so we want to share that with you.  We want you to be aware of what more is available to you while you are there within your experience which doesn’t allow the higher seeing we have access to.
Now, when we talk about “seeing”, you know that has nothing to do with physical eyes because we have none.  When we talk about your beauty and your light, we are seeing it with our feelings.  We know that you are operating from a sensory level where seeing, hearing, and touching are important to you.  So, we reach you through your beliefs because even though we know you do not really need to see, hear, or touch to know something is real, we have compassion for your needs.  We reach you where you are because we love you and it’s our gift to you.  We understand that are making it important right now to receive evidence through your physical senses, and so we can meet you there because we love you.  We see that you are aspects of us, and so we extend love to all parts of ourselves no matter where they reside, belief-wise.
We also see how you “light” up when you receive evidence through your physical senses!  We see you rise in vibration and lift in joy when you receive our gifts, and so we give you what helps you grow the most.  Yes, we want to show you your higher aspect through our own experience where physical senses do not play a part in encouraging belief, but we can do that more effectively when you are in a state of willingness and openness.  As long as you are making it important to receive sensory evidence, we must use those means to get through to you.  We will give you a balance of both because it can’t all be about the physical senses, or you wouldn’t come to know your feeling senses like intuition and heart-sensing.  We want you to believe that we are real, and then we want to use that moment to show you how to see, hear and feel without the physical senses.
This connection is all about showing you who you are; it’s about ascension.  To rise up to knowing your higher self, you must become aware of everything that entails.  You are learning that it’s about feeling with your heart and then reaching for even higher feelings of love, compassion and gratitude.  You will be the best guide to your fellow-humans by emulating our technique: Reach them where they are.  You might not agree with what another is making important, but if it lights them up and gives them a sense of hope and optimism, or if it makes them feel loved, then reach them within their experience.  Once you’re in, you can show them the feeling side of it all, and encourage them to rise up, just like we are doing with you.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
