
Summon the Courage to Live in the Moment

Oh, sweet loves of ours, we welcome you and hold you in our love now.  You are here with us now and we are here with you.  This IS the only moment, divine being of Light.  If we say “We love you” now, then we have always said it and always will because EACH MOMENT IS NOW.  Yes, you have so many moments and they’re in your memories and in your photo albums!  Yes, they do seem so real and you want so much to hang onto them.  And, our loves, we understand that desire!  We understand that you have a storyline happening where life is short and precious.  It’s a series of moments that you want to capture and hold onto in any way you can, for fear of losing them to forgetting. 
We see you suffering when you feel regret and worry, our dear ones, and not just about forgetting your precious memories, but so much more that you believe you have lost.  There was that pair of shoes in that shop, the perfect size, but just a little more than you wanted to spend.  You left them and now you are full of regret.  However, there was that collectible you thought you needed and it now sits in a closet inside of a box and you don’t have any use for it, not even to look at it.  Deep regret overcomes for having things and for losing things, and the message might be becoming clear as we point it out: Losing and acquiring aren’t real. 
We talk about you being whole and complete already and this all ties in.  When you feel you need anything or you feel you have lost any part of you, then you are denying the truth of your wholeness.  The fact that you are able to look around and perceive other people, other things, and even us, your guides, shows that there is a lack of knowing completeness occurring here within this entire scheme.  If a feeling of guilt or shame comes rushing in at this suggestion, then it too is another reminder of what is real.  Believing in what you are not sends clear signals through your body and it will be a feeling you want to release. 
Summon the courage to live in the moment.  Be who you know you are.  This moment has everything you need within it and doesn’t need to be captured in your memory or in a photo or any other way.  Whatever you are trying to capture or believe you have lost is dust: There is nothing to lose or retrieve, our loves.  You have now and it’s true whether there is a world or not, and whether there is a human-you or not. 
Now is always here and can’t be held onto or released because it isn’t an item to own.  Now is you, and you are complete.  This whole scenario you have created, full of objects to possess, is made from you and made from now, so then it already is ALL YOURS!  You can have guilt for believing you've lost it, or you can have guilt for feeling like you needed it, or you can say that's the end of guilt and let it all go.  We know what you will choose because we can already feel you all releasing the breath along with the pressure to hold and the fear to lose.  Complete is what you are and you are free to release whatever tells you otherwise.
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
