
Take Credit For Your Creation

Oh, our sweet and divine ones, you are our Kings and Queens!  You have created us!  We have created you because it has all happened simultaneously.  Together, we are responsible for all of creation and together, we can create more consciously the more we ascend.

It is our pleasure and delight to fill you with love and to feel you fill us with yours, all of you!  Each and every one is God.  The unity of our consciousness, in awareness, is awakening us to that fact.  More of us are aware of the meaning of being God.  It isn’t a delusion of grandeur or ego-filled desire for power.  In fact, it is quite the opposite because it takes a great and courageous hero to take ownership over what we call “creation”. 
We understand that we dropped a bomb on you when we told you that you are the creator of your world.  In your present awareness, your world has a past which seems to be filled with many flaws and disasters.  You look around and see a lot of beauty, but your mind wants to categorize that which doesn’t feel beautiful and make it into something to wish away.  We dropped another bomb when we told you it’s all love and beauty, and you rose up in protest, in challenge to our claims.  Yes, this is a lot to bear and a heavy blow to take. 
Our shoulders are here for you to lean on and our help is limitless.  Together, we are God.  We are capable of anything.  What we propose here and now is to change what you know you can change in an instant, which is your perception.  Go within and take credit for our creation, and you will see how In-Credible it truly is!  The details are not for us to judge because we brought them all and therefore, we can shift the way we perceive them.  Not only can we love the details because they are our creation, but we can request that all of us do the same.  You are us, we are you, all are one.  Request the power to change your perception, and do so while knowing that all of your other “selves” will do the same, in unison. 
We are rubbing off on you and you are rubbing off on everyone.  We put faith into your power, and we awaken it within you.  You can put faith into yourself, and it transfers to faith in us and all of the other members of our consciousness.  No matter how deeply asleep any one of us is, we are one being, being one.  As one, we may relay new ways of seeing to the pack, so to speak.  We do this internally and incredibly.  We take credit for creation and we understand that we are all in it together, and suddenly the task isn’t so daunting.  We don’t have to change anything external; we only have to take ownership, within.
Find your power and realize how easy it is to shift the way you perceive creation.  You can feel that and trust that when you do, so do we all.  And if we all feel gratitude for our creation and we recognize it all as a gift of love, then we unite as God, the creator.  This is an easy shift to make, divine ones.  Love what we create together and send that vibration to all of consciousness.  Here, we are.  Here, this is our creation and ours to perceive as we please. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
