
Two Steps to Creating Your World

Our sweet and divine souls of the Earth-plane, we are here and we welcome you into this beautiful circle of Light and Love that we have created with you!  This circle of connection is unifying because it is the sharing of our hearts, in love.  The words aren’t ever as important as this feeling.  The senses and the physical realm are just a reflection of the feeling of Love.  What is real, lasting and eternal is the love you feel.  Focus intently on it and let the senses reflect what they may, as the mirror to that love. 
The physical world is responding as your mirror; never is it the other way around.  Nothing is there without your love!  It always begins with noticing your heart, loving ones.  You are creating each moment with divine perfection because it is reacting to/creating your inner-sight/insight.  Your creation will point you back within if you are neglecting this in-sight.  And when you go within to look, look with your feelings.  You are not using anything physical about you to look because the physical you is also a mirror image.  The mirror image is not a tangible thing and neither are you: You are love and the feeling of love. 
So, feel for that.  Put aside thoughts and just feel your heart.  You can allow the physical you to remain busy while you do this and you don’t need to set aside time as if it’s a chore on your list, angels.  You can know that the surrounding world is being your mirror and it’s then essentially secondary to what you are.  First, you feel.  Second, the world reflects those feelings.  It is always in that order because truly there is only You, feeling, and the rest is a response. 
We bring you this angle, angels, to give you a deeper sense of knowing who you are; knowing Love!  We want you to notice, as frequently as possible, that you are love and there is nothing else as real as that.  The reacting and reflecting world is also you, but to start there when you desire growth or change would be backwards.  Move first to what you feel, know those feelings deeply, love who you are without any judgement, and then let it be reflected.  You can allow the reflection to be anything it will because now you know there is only one real thing.  What’s reflected in the mirror is secondary and the feeling-you is the first and only source of everything else. 
WE love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness 
