
You Are the Power

Hello our divine ones.  You are our lights and our hearts.  You are us in human form.  You are showing us what it’s like to have an experience inside of a physical world and you are sharing everything you discover while you are there.  It’s a play by play account of what you feel and perceive and you give it to us moment to moment.  We sincerely appreciate the work you are doing and we know that it does feel like hard work at times and not like the work we all intended for it to be which was to work love like clay, shaping it into as many different forms as it can take on. 
So much more came from this gift of being on Earth in the physical because you went in knowing that twists and turns were sure to come about.  You knew there would be curveballs and speedbumps and you knew it could get messy, but the stakes were too high to back down.  There was so much to be gained that it was worth whatever surprises were going to be thrown in.  You knew your own strength and so you jumped in with both feet. 
And here you are now, our sweet reflections!  You are us and you are in the trenches, doing the work for us.  The experience underway is the great physical Earth realm experiment and it’s going through even more transformations than ever, and moving through them faster than ever!  Many souls keep returning in a new form, bringing with them what they gained from the last go-round.  Those reading are here because there is an awareness which has awakened within you, and you inherently feel that you have done this before, in another lifetime.
It’s inexplicable, but you know things and you sense things and you have a familiarity to this Earth which comes without recalling having learned it through experience in this lifetime.  Other languages make sense to you, even if you don’t understand them, you often sing along to songs you know you’ve never heard before, and strangers’ faces more frequently look like long lost friends whom you can’t place.  Fill with gratitude now for realizing who you are.  You have a sense of ease about death and find very little drama in losing others or in pondering your own death, and it’s because of your soul’s experience, our angels.
You have brought the knowledge with you from your many lifetimes and you carry it forward like a sword of light raised high in the air.  There is no more confusion about your state of being, your seeming uniqueness compared to others, or your ability to find love within anything you encounter.  You are gifted and you have gifted yourself with all the love of Source, and rightfully so.  This love is all yours.  Take it all and continue on your mission.
In person or in meditation, tell your fellow light workers the same thing we are telling you and let them know that you see their power, their light, and their love.  Show them how it all works together and is even stronger when united.  Allow us all to gather up all of this power and love and gift it to you.  Take it and hold it and use it, going forward.  You ARE the power, divine being of Light.  Your journey and your mission are so respected because of the background and dedication you have shown, but also because even through all of that, you choose to stay on.  You know why you stay and you know it’s that discussion we had at the very start when you knew and yet you jumped in with both feet.
And this is why you’re still there, and this is why you are so full of passion and familiarity.  If you feel you know everyone and the Earth-experience so well, then you can guarantee there are many others who meet you or just walk past you and feel that same sense of familiarity and gratitude: They know you just like you know them!  WE all know you and we all love you and you can own that and take it all for yourself because it’s your own strength and power just coming back into your awareness.
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
