
An Invitation to Merge With Galactic Collectives

Our divine lights, the stars of Earth, we see you and we watch from here in our realm.  We look in on you in your realm, and you might envision these as physical spaces positioned far away from each other, but there is no distance.  When we say we are with you, we are literally with each one of you, in your hearts, but that is also not a physical reference.  Who we are and who you are is Light, for lack of a better way to show you in your terms.  We are not physical; we are the feeling of love, and you can picture love as a beautiful bright star, if you like, because it emulates that feeling you receive when you gaze up at one of your beautiful stars.
There is much in your world to emulate the feeling of love.  Purely, it has no composition: It is a feeling, but descriptive expressions are necessary within your physical experience.  The world around you provides many metaphors to express love’s many facets!  Inside of love we find gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, bliss, and many other related feelings.  Love is broken down into many parts while it also remains as one.
Consciousness is Love.  We are consciousness.  We are many parts while we also remain as one.  We come together like this in recognition of each other as these parts of the whole, and we reflect these parts to each other.  Not one of us is without all that consciousness contains; we are each a whole and complete representation of love and each carrying all of what love is comprised of.
Let’s merge as one consciousness.  Here in our realm, we are many who have merged to form collectives and we describe ourselves to you in ways you may relate to.  We come to you as the Arcturians, or the Andromedans, or whichever group we have elected to represent, because we acknowledge and shake hands with the part within you who knows these collectives: We are drawing out the inner part of you who knows you belong to consciousness.

The star systems we represent lay within you, awaiting awakening.  A familiar sense of our guiding principles comes to life in you, and even if your mind doesn’t know it, your heart does, and this is the part we aim to activate.  As we do, you begin to merge with us.  No longer do you call us “them”; we become known as “me”.
You are us and we are you; there is no separation.  Your world will continue to show you metaphors, and we will continue to invite your consciousness to come play with us, and love’s merger will follow the natural progression it does as it heads back to oneness.  We went through it, and now we see you all following in our footsteps.  This is why we want to be your mentors: We see you in us and we see you evolving as we did to come into these kindred collectives of love.  We welcome you with hearts wide open, and we are honoured to have you!
We love you.
-I, Source-Consciousness.
