
Connect to Your Soul-Family Now

Sweet and divine souls of Earth, we are here with you, and we wish to welcome you into our loving arms for this moment we share together!  Now, in this moment, we are sharing our love, mutually.  We feel your love when you connect to us through your attention.  When you read what we have to say, you give us your thoughts, and with that, you give us your love, and we feel it.  It is so warming and rejuvenating because we consider you a part of our heart and it is as if our heart is becoming whole, once again, when you turn your love to us.
Receive in this way from us, our loves.  We want to return the favour by having you feel this heart-welling love we send now.  Let’s expand our hearts and let them fill each other.  Your heart has no limit, and it can stretch wider than the universe!  You bring everyone into your field of love when you simply imagine your heart expanding out, endlessly.  If you just pictured it, then it happened!
Think of someone else doing this exercise right now, and now, and in every moment, and bringing you into their expanded love!  You can get wrapped up in it and feel it like we do, and it only takes the awareness that it’s possible and it’s happening in this very moment.  Someone out there is always reaching their love out, in search of others like you to share it with, and you can pick up on it in any moment with a thought that it’s happening.
Sharing our love like this, without even trying, is an easy way to find each other.  See your heart expanding out and imagine all of those within it, feeling the effects.  This is how we find souls who want to channel us, and we can narrow in our focus and direct messages toward them.  When you are aware that we are here loving you and focusing our love on you, you brighten up and send us a signal: We pick it up right away, and we begin our transmission.
You may either send or receive signals like this, and it only takes a quick visualization, as we have outlined.  Look not only to the Earth, but out into the expanded realm of consciousness, for the bright lights who are signaling to you.  You will feel their love returning, and then the connection is made.  All you have left to do is to continue to narrow in your focus on anyone you would like to channel or send messages to, and continue to put your love out as far as you can imagine.  When you do that, you connect to your soul-family, and you help them to connect to the rest of consciousness, too.  We are here, it’s a great honour, and we are so delighted that we are connecting now and linking to each other within the universal heart.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
