
Follow the Flow, Fearlessly

Hello, beloved ones. Our gift to you is to be here like this, always ready to share from the heart.  If you call, then we answer.  It might not be a loud and clear voice or glaring sign from the universe, but we will reach you in whatever sweet and often subtle way suits you the best.  You might wish that we appear in a golden light with a clear and unmistakeable message, but We are working with your soul’s arrangement for these meetings.  You are kept at arm’s length from these arrangements because there would be no benefit if you were in on the plan. 
The element of surprise lends to the effectiveness of divine encounters in your life.  If you were to be given the date and time of our appearance and the exact type of intervention you had planned with us, you would not only have preconceived expectations, but you would be left uninspired.  The purpose of our meetings together is to bring you awe, excitement, and inspiration, and surprise gives you no chance to prepare for it or find disappointment when your expectations aren’t met. 
The desire to control each event in your life is one based on past trauma and fear.  There is no fault here, our loves.  Your world has been designed in such a way to give you a taste of feeling fear, rejection, disappointment, and all sorts of similar emotions.  The design is your own and you have created it for the contrast it offers.  You have found yourself feeling powerless and ill-equipped to deal with the human existence, but it isn’t because you have made a mistake or haven’t processed psychological damage, properly.  There is no damage and no mistake because you are right where you are supposed to be. 
The sampling of these experiences has brought you into another unfamiliar feeling, and it’s that of desire.  As the soul who knows no limitation or lack, you feel no desire or need.  As the human, you can give yourself these feelings and you do so to enrich yourself as the soul.  You learn of your power to create such situations, and you learn about your resilience and determination when you are made to strive for happiness, peace, and contentment.  Setting goals for yourself is a most rewarding way to meet your soul on a deeper level. 
We know how to reach you and we know how to keep it as understated or grandiose as you ask.  Leave it to your brilliant soul because your soul knows what benefits you most to know itself more completely and thoroughly: Do this and you expand yourself into new realms.  Let your soul decide and release the play of contrasting emotions, if you feel it’s time to let them go.  If more playing is what you crave, then continue on!  You are holding no one back in this collective ascension because it is about expansion.  Expansion happens when the soul receives the complete experience, and that might be to play in contrast, or to explore your power of ending the contrast.  Wherever your heart pulls you is where your soul is nudging you to go.  Follow the flow, fearlessly, and expand your soul-self!
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
