
Love Becomes You

Hello, our beloved angels.  We greet you with our hearts and bring you into love’s warmth, here and now.  This is our space to share, here inside of love’s embrace.  We can be together like this and feel the height of love and drift away into the bliss of it.  The recognition of unity uplifts and enlarges the heart.  Love comes to live inside of your heart and expands it and it feels like it’s stretching, but in a freeing way and not like it can’t hold it.
Enjoy the expansion just by allowing love to you.  Love becomes you, divine ones.  You become love which is to say that you “be” and then love “comes” because it already is.  Love’s arrival is its existence, and not a before and after event.  To become love is to be it and realize it at the same time.  You are also divine, in this moment, so to “dive in” is to be “divine”!  Plunge yourself into trust in love’s DIV-INe plan!

There is no end to the way we can explain the way love is.  Love has no end, and you can love to your heart’s content because it will never find a limit.  Expansion is infinite and eternal, and you feel a touch of that when you heed our words and let love become you.
With all of this, we bring it into light and into a new perspective for you: To become love is to be aware that you are love, and the words are all here to reshape and turn inside-out until the perspective shifts.  You look for new ways of viewing the meaning of the numbers around you, and you can look to redefining the words and phrases in the same way.
Bring the words into the now-moment and remove time from the equation.  Words referring to past and future can be flipped around and exchanged for words of the present.  For example, “Waiting” can be “Wading”: When time is left out, there is no waiting, so you can replace it with wading, like wading through the waters of now and exploring all this moment offers, joyfully, without looking for moments which aren’t part of your present experience.
We can be poetic, but love inspires that in us, as it does in you.  We love to share within this heart and feel it expand with you and in you!  If you want to talk about it, we’ll share words.  If you want to feel it, we’ll just sit in the light of love with you.  However we choose to experience and express love, let’s.  Let’s do this together and feel the satisfying stretching and rising of love’s unity.  Become love with us by knowing you are already it, and then let yourself flow and grow with trust in the Divine!
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
