
The Law of Love and Manifestation

Divine ones, our partners in Ascension, we welcome you warmly and greet you with hearts full of love!  We are your colleagues and advisors!  We are your counsel and your friends.  We want to be here for you and with you as love’s law firm.  The law of love states that when you love, you receive love.  You can love anything or anyone, and this law applies.  We adhere to the law when we focus on the heart.  The rules of the heart are plainly stated and without convolution: Give love and receive Love, in return.
We have an assignment for you, our loves, and it’s to focus on your heart today.  Spend the day feeling love in all ways you can feel it.  Even if you just give love to yourself and all things you-related, the rule holds true: Love begets more love.  You can expect to receive love back, but nothing more is needed to imagine in what form love will come to you!  Love can come to you as a feeling from another or from a group like all of us, or it can come in as an object or occurrence.  Love knows your favourite gifts and if you trust that it will give them to you, then just keep loving and leave it to love to work on picking out your gifts.
What’s within is reflected on the outside.  An example we can use is telepathy.  There is someone on Earth you’d like to talk to, but you have no way to reach them.  Talk to the person in your heart and believe that you are heard.  Believe that this other is having a conversation with you and you know what happens: You are talking inside, so then you will also begin talking on the outside!  If you know it in your heart and give it love, then it is reflected in your external world: What’s in the heart ALWAYS erupts into your reality.  Your heart IS the only reality and therefore it MUST be reflected.  You might struggle in the world to find contact information for this target of your affections, but that gift will magically arrive after you have made it true within you.
So, the law is to love, love, and love some more and then watch love explode into your reality.  You may have heard that manifestation on Earth is not instant, but it truly is.  Right now, it is returning the measure of love you are giving within.  Let this inspire you because you can make it true right now and watch it return, in an instant, just as it is presently doing.  Nothing has changed about that, but what will change is your recognition of love’s method of creation.  There is nothing more complicated in manifestation except to feel love to the greatest extent you possibly can and do nothing more.  Visualization will come along with it, but it isn’t a necessary part when you give love all your focus and care.
It has been a pleasure to share this idea and awaken you to the magic of you.
Love within, and watch love return.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
