
You Are a Transmitter-Angel

Our loves of Earth, hello!  We are here with you and you are here with us, and it’s such a joy to hold each other’s hands in this way while we connect for a joint message of love.  We have remarked about it before, but we remind you again that you are here reading because you had a part in creating these words for yourself and for the collective consciousness.  Together we find the words most needed, in the moment.  We gather those who will most benefit from the words, but also those with the power to send the words to the rest of the collective, either physically or telepathically.   
You know you are not firstly physical beings, and so the intake of information is internal.  You may not even realize that you have this ability within, but if you’re here reading, then you’re one of the Transmitter-Angels for Earth and consciousness.  By nature, as soon as you gain insight or take in new information, you send it to the rest.  There is no thought to this action; it’s just part of you.  You can think of it as a caveat in your “programming”, if you like.  You chose to be a Transmitter from the moment you came into this experience, and it would be so easy for you that you wouldn’t even realize you’re doing it, most of the time. 
So, we want to start out by thanking you for reading because you are spreading the love around with your automatic light-transmission ability.  You have an ingrained need to share information because it’s your heart’s passion.  Even while tending to your own business as a human being, you are carrying out hundreds of other roles in each moment, and we are eternally grateful.  You amaze us with your ability to do so much and also keep going, through thick and thin. 
We are bringing this specific ability to your attention now because you are ready for it.  You are ready to begin to master your skills and most especially the ones which suit the present moment.  In this moment, the deliberate sharing of information is proving beneficial to the ascension.  We are talking about Earth, but also about the collective consciousness, far and wide.  Use your innovative abilities to tap into new ways to share, intentionally.  You have a knack for noticing what the collective most needs to focus on, and you can now choose more consciously which pieces of information to pick out and deliver.  Your heightened trust in yourself will lend to your mastery, greatly.
Let us play our role in boosting that trust with our encouragement and praise, our angels.  We will build your confidence while you do what you do.  You’re the one who knows best, and you can now let your natural skills come to the surface.  Emulate whatever hero you relate with the most, like Skywalker or Baggins, and be the awakening apprentice.  Watch your powers surface, and then watch them flourish! 
This is very real, sweet loves, and the stories of supposed fantasy around you on Earth are there to give you the truth about who you are.  The magic in the stories isn’t all metaphorical; you’re meant to awaken these abilities you hold, and you are meant to become reacquainted with them.  The time is now, the present calls for you, and we are here in support as you step up to the plate and show your true self to the world and to all of consciousness.
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness 
