
You Did It! You're Awake!

Hello, my sweet guides... my family!  I love you.  I know you’re all with me and sometimes that makes it even harder to deal with everything because if you’re all here, then why is it still difficult?  If I truly do have a pack of angels around me in every moment, then how can I ever cry or feel hurt?  Well, I believe I know the answer and it’s more than just one answer: I CHOOSE it and you back me up.  I choose it because I want to experience my ability to rise above.  I want to remember the pain because if I didn’t, it wouldn’t be an experience!  I need the contrast and even though you all don’t love it when I feel pain, you sorta do love it because you love me and my choices, even if they’re unconscious choices.  Wow!  Is that really it? 
Hello, our darling!!  Oh, it’s true that we do love you profusely!  We would do anything for you and yes, that includes watching you hurt for the sake of your experience.  We are with you here on the other side where you are fully conscious, and we are discussing it all with you as it plays out there inside of your world.  There isn’t anything you go through by accident, our love.  We know you do take on a lot of the responsibility and you then turn that against yourself as if you have done something wrong to “wind up in this predicament”, but we want to remind you that this is a joint effort between you, your higher self, and all of us guides. 
And then my (human) part in it is to be the actor, more or less?  I am playing my role which has changed from an unconscious role to a conscious one.  I have awakened to the truth of this “play”, so now I don’t have to suffer when I suffer.  I can know that there is a plan to all of it, very valid reasons, and my part is to play it out.  Except now, I can play it out without any questions because I know why I agreed to do it. 
You are correct, sweet one.  Then, we can go on as we have, but with a new perspective on your side, and a new relationship with each other.  Now that you know we’re here and available, you can ask questions about why this experience is the one we have all selected for you, together.  No more are you left crying to the skies, “Why?”
And this is the gratitude you have found in your awakening, angel, one and all of you!  There is relief, peace, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and renewed faith.  Your faith was always there, but now it is turned not to something unknown, but instead to your own higher consciousness.  Even if you don’t channel directly, you receive these types of answers from the collective around you, and knowing helps guide you through. 
Again, we want to thank you for your continued loyalty to the mission at hand, our loves.  You are awake and you are beginning to understand why life is the way it is, but we know that isn’t always enough comfort.  However, you are perfecting your gratitude every day that you exist in your reality, and you are clearing the fog for yourself and for everyone when you do. 
Look to what you do have and not to what is missing because you might find that having this awareness and knowledge is the key to all of it.  We were always here with you, but now you know, and that blows everything out of the water!  Thanks to your memories, you can see where you came from in comparison to where you are, and it’s cause for so much joy and self-praise!  You did this all on your own.  You found us again and you are finding more answers every time you feel acceptance and trust in your experience.  You can find completeness in this knowledge, divine ones.  You have done it.  You have awakened, and now the rest only gets easier. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
