
The Birth of a New Earth

Child of the Light.  I am Mary.  I am your Guardian angel, but not in that sense as to guard you FROM anything.  In fact, my role is to OPEN you to MORE of what’s surrounding you!  Here you are in a new state of openness like nothing you have reached before!
So, I am the guardian to you like a parent would be.  I’m like a loving teacher and guide, in the feminine sense.  All which is of water and emotion flows between us.  The womb-space is in a shift, in your creation.
I speak to “YOUR” meaning “OUR”.  Us, as one, beloved.  Immaculate Conception – the breath of life injected through love and only love without any physical need.  My story represents OUR creation story wherein LIFE is born from God’s pure love – OUR pure love – the love of the One.
The Earth-creation is undergoing this fertilization process.  The womb of Gaia is not a physical space, but the energy of it is being filled with our love and thus developing into our child – a babe of Light to be born in praises of the miracle it is!  This child is creation – the birth of a new Earth.
Jeshua holds me and He holds you all like His own children.  We have bathed in His Light and now we all give birth to it through Mother Gaia.  We are all the conduits.  We are the surrogates.  Behold creation, the dawning of this new Light and the birth of this child of Our Love.
My heart is with you.  You have called upon this Feminine Goddess energy because it’s rising within everyone, male and female.  I’m here to speak as this energy and relate it to divinity making love into a new creation.  High and exalted, each of you rises now, and embraces the child of Light.  Give it breath and treasure it in its infancy.
This is the time where your parenting is needed while the baby finds its footing and learns to stand where it has never been.  It’s your role to parent this child of Mother Gaia, and you have been preparing, all along.
I love you so deeply.  I am your Guardian Angel and Soul-Light protector, shielding you from confusion and steering you to your rightful positions.  You are ready for this!  We have been your guardians, and now you are the guardian to your new Earth.
Oh, we love you, our babes of Light!  You have come from Us and now you birth your own child.  We join in celebration of this Birthing Day, this Moment of Dawn, where the blessed baby is emerging at last! 
Your Mother, Mary
