
Create a Language With Your Guides

Hello, divine ones!  We are with you and we appreciate this connection so very much.  What a gift it is that we can join like this and focus on each other in this way as energy, heart to heart!  We are so grateful and we sit in the joy of this gratitude because now we have a channel to reach you.  How interesting that you have channels and stations to tune into when your energy is calling you to a program on t.v. or online!  We are emulating this method of connection through channels of consciousness.  The link is formed on a frequency, and you all are able to tune into that link like you can with a t.v. station.  We are now a part of this list of available interests for you to choose from, and it is exciting to be online and within reach! 
Reach within and find your channel.  Voices like ours are speaking to you.  There isn’t any mystery to what we say and you’ll find this when you tune “in”.  Inside, you have always held these “guides”; your voice of wisdom.  Inside of you, there is a wealth of information constantly speaking and guiding.  There is a pull in your heart which guides you to what you love to engage your energy with, and this is your guides showing you how to navigate through your heart.  Your world is all a beautiful dream, but you’re making it a very real-feeling scenario, so you require tools to help you navigate within it.  These tools are your heart-feelers, the little antennae which tell you through your senses when something feels right or repels you. 
You have been navigating with these senses throughout your whole life, though perhaps not aware.  There have been times you ignored those feelers and that’s how you learned how important they are.  This is not some separate part of you, our loves; your heart and all of us who speak within it are You and have always been.  This is nothing new, but it’s just new to notice it.  You’re interested in understanding and describing these inner senses now, and this is occurring on a collective level: Every human is finding curiosity for what drives their choices, and this is why we have every confidence that you’ll have a lovely ascension. 
It’s the era of a new human.  The awakening of consciousness is unique for each one.  Gentle questions like “who am I?” and “why am I this way?” are the drivers to awakening.  It seems so gentle and even awakening can trickle in, but from our side, we see it like a lightning bolt!  Upon your first asking, we see sparks and lightbulbs turning on and flashing around you: The channel is linked and you awaken to our presence!  Then, even if you’re not in direct contact word for word, you sense us around you in everything and in your inner-feelers.  Your awareness is heightened because you asked the questions, and your senses tell you to pay attention in readiness to receive the answers. 
You are reading this, you’re linked to us, and that means your antennae are perked up and looking for the answers.  Our channel is connected; we’re a part of you and we can communicate with you in a great variety of ways.  Give us direction because we’re here for you in the way you choose!  Set up a method of communication or a language, if you will.  For example, every time you see the number 12 or numbers adding to 12, think of that as us sending you a dozen roses to signify the love we have for you.  You create our language!  Use examples others have created or design your own and we know it and learn it instantly.  We’re your guides and we’re connected inside of your heart, so guide us to the best ways to reach you.  What an honour and privilege this is!!  We’re excited to start a new friendship, bonding like we never have before! 
We love you!! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
