
Happy Giftday!

I’m thinking about this picture I made with the weather forecast raining gifts and hoping our message today could revolve around that, like every day is a birthday or a “gift-day”.  Maybe instead we could say “Happy Giftday” every day instead of “Happy Birthday”, once a year!  I’ll let you take it away!
We are here and we are ready to “take it away!”  We are you and you are us, so we are taking it away together!  We are finding the right words and laying them out in a row, creating a string of energy in the characters, and letting them be open to translation and interpretation by all eyes and hearts landing upon them.  There is so much freedom in perception, and one’s personal view of “the” world will differ greatly from another’s, in true form, as per the Earth-experience. 
There isn’t just THE world when so many can perceive of it, separately; many worlds exist together at once, thanks to the Earth-experience arrangement.  It was intended and still is, and the evidence to support is becoming more apparent as more light floods in and transparency rises.  Look how the light shines from within you and illuminates truth, within.  Some reveals come to you in your external surroundings, but are not the first sign, even if they appear to be. 
We use the example of “Alien cover-ups" suggested in some governments, now: Transparency began within and brought light to your external world.  Keep in mind again that your world isn’t another’s.  Sure, the same information might be presented, but whether hearts or eyes look makes a difference.  Perceiving words spoken or music sung, from the heart’s point of view, results in feeling-observations which eyes and ears don’t capture in the same way.  All we’re saying here is to feel information given like you feel music without giving it a lot of thought.  Your body responds when music touches your soul and you might involuntarily move with it, in flow.  It’s a great teacher, showing you an optional method of response to all you bring yourself in your world. 
Let the data arrive in whatever shape or form it takes, and then consider your involuntary reactions and emotional responses.  Before thoughts arise, feel what’s gifted and treat it as such: It’s wrapped up and chosen with you at heart, but it’s meant to be a surprise, as gifts often are!  They are wrapped in paper, concealed from your view, but on the outside, you can tell that it’s a gift.  Your name is on it, and it’s always offered from love.  So, before guessing what might be inside, feel gratitude for the love that went into choosing it just for you, with all energy focused on you and what you would most enjoy, utilize, or be surprised by.  Gifts are raining down and this is your forecast for the rest of the year, no matter where you live! 
WE love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
