
It's All About You

We love you!!  We are excited and happy to be here with you, our sweet Lights!!  You are angels and we know you don’t consider yourselves to be angels.  We see you like this though, and we are here to show you how to see it in yourselves and thus in everyone around you!  It’s as we say time and again: It comes from within you.  The way you perceive yourself will directly impact your perception of those around you.  So, we often direct all of our focus onto you, for this reason; we help you see the beauty in you, and then it is reflected in your reality. 
Your reality is acting like us, in many ways, and prodding you to see your inner beauty.  You might perceive ugliness in your world at times, but this is a guide to help you look inside of yourself for where this ability to see ugliness is originating.  Dears, you couldn’t see it in your world if there wasn’t somewhere within perceiving it in yourself.  This isn’t meant to hurt you or call you “wrong” for seeing yourself in this way; it’s all guiding with love, just as we are. 
The mirror is pointing back only to show you there is more looking to do.  It has no judgement and no opinion about whether you find it or even want to look; it’s only responding to what’s coming from you and giving back because it’s you returning your own perception, beliefs, and feelings.  The world is you, mirrored back.  The world is only there because it’s coming from you: If there was no you to look at it, it wouldn’t exist.  You know we refer to your consciousness here and not your human body, our loving ones.  As long as you are conscious and aware of being, you can project a reality-mirror to then perceive.  Your body is part of this projection and also a guide.  Truly, nothing you perceive is from elsewhere; it’s all from you.  You are the origin.  You are the Creator. 
It’s all about You, divine Creator.  Get into yourself; be totally into yourself!  Your mirrored world is constantly giving and guiding.  Ask it to show you where to look and it will steer you perfectly, every time.  It might be repetitive or it might stand out for looking misplaced or bizarre, but once you start asking and watching, you’ll be able to detect it much more easily.
Get in touch with your heart and get familiar with what it feels like when the world is telling you something important.  Always be aware that this is you, out there, acting in metaphors and appearing as magic.  You’ll no longer reject it with anger for daring to treat you that way because you’ll understand its intentions are pure love.  The world is your own love reflected back in the ways it finds to best get your attention.  Take what it gives and ask it to be loud and clear.  You can build this rapport with yourself, your outer world, and find a clear way of communicating through the metaphors and through your beautiful heart. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
