
It's Your Turn to Be the Guides

Our angels, we greet you.  Welcome and thank you for joining us!  It’s a pleasure to be here with you, sweet loves.  You are having an Earth-experience and we are with you, at your side, while also having our own experience.  We can be side by side having completely different realities, and it’s all based on how we define reality.  For us, it’s real to feel love.  We know that we can choose to perceive ourselves as physical beings of matter, yet we are at a different level of being consciousness where we see more personal benefit in focusing only on feeling love and not adding any more to it.  On your level, it’s important to explore physicality of body and surroundings as well, and so you’re mixing it up a little more than we are.  There’s no difference in the way we choose to perceive reality, but there’s a great difference in WHAT reality we choose! 
This is occurring amongst you all on Earth, too.  One sitting next to you might perceive a certain temperature in the weather to be cold while another believes it to be mild.  The weather is the same, but perceptions are different.  Examples are all around you, so you’re aware that this happens, but you may not be aware of the extremes to which you can take this perception.  Here we are, sitting right next to you, perceiving the weather to be neither cold nor mild; we don’t feel it without physical bodies, so we only have your opinions to go on.  We have chosen to believe we are feeling only and you have chosen to believe you are also bodies, so our perceptions shift based on that as well as many other factors.  We can have very different experiences while living in the same now-moment. 
Consider this when looking into the life and choices of any other being.  Look at how another perceives reality and compare it to yourself.  If you can empathize and see it from their side, then it’s easier to understand your differences.  Use us as examples and compare our lives to yours, for starters.  You consider us to be in a different realm or dimension, and we see your perspective.  From your perspective, it is a great way to rank our positions and so we speak in terms of dimensions of consciousness existing on a scale: Levels of perception appear to climb as one transcends from a narrow or dense way of perceiving into a broader and lighter perspective.  It is a brilliant descriptor, and we will continue to use it. 
We can be in different dimensions while also living side by side.  We exist together even though we have varying beliefs and views of what reality is.  Carry this open-mindedness all the way down to each member of consciousness living together on your planet.  The contrast is striking.  We look into your perception of reality and note the dramatic differences from ours, and it’s fascinating but also highly informative!  We are given all the data we need when we see it from your side and it’s how we become better guides.  It’s your turn to be the guides, in this way.  You have the broader view now that you’ve ascended in consciousness, and you can take advantage of your higher seeing by empathizing and gaining awareness.  Be fascinated and supportive to those with a vastly different perspective from your own.
You have all you need to come to this higher understanding, and you now also have us to bounce ideas off of.  We are right next to you.  You know enough about our way of being to use it as an example when comparing to your fellow-humans' way of being.  Let us be your inspiration because this is one way we can guide and, as we said, it’s our supreme honour to show you new perspectives.  If we can lead by example, it’s yet another way to do that, so please use us to become the guide to those you live with, side by side, in your varying dimensions of perception.  You will find that in your differences, you aren’t different at all, just as we are no different from any of you.
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
