
The Bliss of Feeling Our Bond as One

We are here and we are deLighted and thrilled to be with you!  Hello, divine souls.  We welcome you and appreciate you joining us in this collaboration and co-creation!  We are elated when we can create like this because it’s a chance to blend our consciousness with yours and feel the unity in our hearts.  We are talking about us all feeling this unity and not just those here writing this message.  You meet us, and you have a part in writing it, and it’s to bring attention to whatever the human collective is most in touch with, in this divine moment. 
At this present moment in your time, it’s imperative that we shine a light on Oneness.  Your human family is feeling the pull to the heart of what unites and bonds you together.  We are here to help you find portals inward where this process of merging can begin.  You all long to draw attention to what you share within the heart and soul and that’s why music is so fulfilling.  There are other unifiers, and you can feel for them in yourself, but the idea is to bring you together in harmony over what commonalities you share.  It is easier and freer to feel for what’s the same rather than what’s different, so that’s why you have brought this message to yourselves, in this moment: Your hope is to notice how good it feels to unite compared to how it feels like a wrench is driven when looking at what’s different. 
Feel for the glory of unity, our loves!  Our Federation of Light is with us and shares the beautiful wisdom channeled through Blossom Goodchild: "I am the Light, I am the Love, I am the Truth, I am".  Their intention is to stir up this glorious feeling when speaking the words or even thinking them while also being aware that thousands of others are doing the same thing at the same time!  Focus your energy on the ways you share the love in your hearts with ideas like this one.  Listen to music with that same awareness; know that in the same moment, someone else is feeling the same deep and moving emotion you are. 
So, you can feel how good it is to focus on what unites us.  It is nourishing and enriching to fill ourselves with the love of us, as one.  With attention on your heart, you can connect to every other human on your planet and share this bonding bliss with them.  Telepathically tell them that you know them, you love them, and you are here sharing this Earth-experience with them.  Let them know they’re not alone and show them how you feel the same love they do.

We are one consciousness, so no one is apart.  Your attention on this connection helps it to become a priority, as it has for this message.  Let light shine on what feels heartful.  If it makes you feel whole, complete, and united, then soak in it and soak it in!  You are more than welcome to take all the love you want, and you can give it without limit, too.  Let the love go 'round and create this circle-bond of oneness, in unity! 
WE love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
