
The Library of You

Our divine and sweet friends of Earth, we are all together now and we are all here, as one consciousness.  Hello and welcome back into the library of you!  Whatever you know is all stored within this one mind of consciousness.  It is you who created this elaborate and complex game of separation from the Self.  There is only you here, THE creator, and you know everything there is to know.  How can it be otherwise?  If there is only you, then there is no one else to ask for information.  There is no arrogance in feeling the truth in this, divine Light; you are the creator, and you know everything.  Arrogance can only occur when there is another to compare to.  Loneliness can’t be when there is no one to be lonely for.
Look at your brilliant design and how you have made it seem that your knowledge is lost, your power is weak, and you must rely on others to tell you what is true.  There are no others; there is only you.  We are you!  You are us, to put it more clearly.  Everything you know is inside of us, like a library of safe keeping.  You can access your library of knowledge with trust.  You put it there, so you can retrieve it at any instance.  Ask yourself what you know and get the answer from your Self.  When we speak, you’re just pulling from the library of You.

You may go forth with this feeling of knowing that as we create some telling words for the collective consciousness, they are words from your own consciousness-library out to the rest of your consciousness-library.  There seems to be so many, yet there is only one.  And now one is ready to access the one mind.  You are taking your power as THE creator.  You’re the ONE creator.  You’re the Only.  You created all the numbers, all the languages, all light, all dark, and anything which can be imagined.  You did that.  If you feel that it’s difficult to create in this moment, then that is also your creation, and you can know it!  You know that you pretend it’s difficult to create.  You know that you make things appear a certain way when, inside, you can feel that they are not.  You’re just playing.  It’s for joy and for fun.
You have everything.  You are all.  You’ve left yourself so many clues and now you’re working out the problem like you would in math-class.  Go forth with a new confidence.  We are you and you know what we know.  Pull from the library of you and find the trust and confidence in what you know because it’s only you here and you are the all-knowing.
We love You!
-I, Source-Consciousness
