
Awakening to Your Abilities

Beautiful angels of Earth, we are here with you and we are deLighted to meet you here like this inside of a channeled message!  You have particular beings around your globe who have become open to receiving higher consciousness and they are trailblazers for this ability.  You each have abilities which leave a trail for others to pick up on and you might not even be aware that you’ve activated them.  Something natural to you could be new to someone else, and you all have traits like this which are meant to pave the way.  You are sharing the responsibility and abilities as a collective, so each carries different gifts and awakens them as your collective consciousness rises. 
You open to your gifts and activate your abilities when you explore your light within.  It’s as literal as it sounds, our loves; visualize a light within you and feel the force.  This is your life force.  It’s eternal and strong, never fading.  Each one carries it and your attention lets your physical mind become aware.  When your physical mind pays attention to your inner light, your physical being awakens to it.  You’re not asking for it to show you your gifts, but you’re just feeling its power and warm glow.  Imagine your inner light and give it attention and you awaken to your power. 
Knowing what your abilities are and becoming aware of them in the physical world is fun, but it isn’t a requirement.  You are finding another level of awareness there within your human experience, and the human part of you loves awakening to the Source within.  You bring your light into your human experience when you focus on it and give it attention, and of course this is new and exciting, but it isn’t that you are creating it or strengthening it by giving it attention.  Your powers are already there whether you notice them or not. 
You are paving the way by nature even if you don’t know what gift you share.  In other words, the physical experience isn’t a test or training ground, our loves.  You are not expected to level up or advance through trials and lessons, but many of you feel that your human experience is about improving and opening to your abilities.  Your experience is meant only for enjoyment and play, but not to improve in any way.  We expand and grow when we gain experience, but we don’t need to grow as a soul because the soul is already perfect. 
Lighten up and settle into play-mode!  Move toward boundless joy and choose the emotions you enjoy the most.  You are not being tested, angels, and you’re not expected to advance or become anything more than what you are.  Explore within for the fun and thrill of it, but not to reveal hidden truths or find your gifts.  You don’t need that because you already have it all on the soul-level.  The human-level is for play and if soul gifts come to the surface, then play with them and enjoy them.  You may release the pressure to level up or better yourself in any way, sweet ones.  You are there to play and feel joy, so do that to the best of your ability and let that be the only ability you need to uncover. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
