
Communicate With Any Human or Angel You Wish

Our dear hearts.  Our loving angels.  Here we are.  Hello and welcome!  We love you, sweet beings of Earth.  We love to be here with you and to have your hearts within us.  We love that we are within your hearts, as well!  You make our hearts well and you make them swell!!  The play with words is fun!  It’s word play, a play on words, but also just the way we express to each other when we are in bodies and communicating with language.  The heart is the hub of communication, and this is where we meet to greet and chit chat in an idle state and also in a state of being within a body, as you are.  
Right now, we are being many beings at once.  You are a person, an alien, a guide, your higher-self, and many other forms and formless beings.  We are all busy bees, spread out and about throughout consciousness, and playing so many roles all at once because there is only once!  There is only here and now, our sweet loves.  There is this one singular moment and everything is happening within it.  It’s fun for the brain to play with this, but it’s also a joy to fill the heart with it.  What a deLightful concept!  It’s amazing and mind-boggling to consider it and to feel your many facets of self enjoying themselves together, in symphony. 
We have you and your many selves playing roles, and then we have us and our many roles, and then there is the matter of “where”.  We are all HERE together within our hearts!  We share this heart of being, this Source of consciousness where we reside in the eternity we call “now”.  You are never alone and your lives are all for play: No one life is more serious or more important than another.  As consciousness, we know it and you can know it too, in whatever position you are experiencing. 
Think of your many positions as dream-states.  Here, within you, we are dreaming of many roles, so all of our incarnations are with you.  The same goes for every human, dear angels: You are each an angel, the original source of consciousness, carrying all your dreams within you and therefore, within all of us.  Any person you wish to contact, alive or dead, is here now, within you.  Any angel you want to communicate with is here in our hub, the heart. 
We sound like a broken record, always reiterating to go to the heart, but it’s our clearest and best analogy to help you find us and to know you are supported and loved by all of consciousness.  This is the key theme in your Earth-dream, at this point in your journey, and so we are driving it home by repeating it for you again and again.  You want to know you are supported and loved without conditions or standards.  You want clear communication with your heart where the mind can’t interfere and drown it out.  And so, here we are; hear “we are”.  Hear it and feel us all speaking it together in this one moment, angels.  The choir of angels sings to you: “We Are”.  This is you and this is us and all of our dreams, all here for you, and it’s just within you where you can be, in any moment, with just a wish. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
