
The Heart's Art

Peace and Light.  Love and Joy.  Find the space within your heart where calmness reigns and peace resides.  Joy and love are here and they are sharing the space.  Your heart is so full and has so much to offer!  It’s full of wonders and magic beyond anything you can imagine!  There is more here in your heart than your external world could ever show you. 
Your world is already giving you a sneak-peek into the heart with the beauty it holds.  All of nature represents the heart, speaking in pictures.  The heart is an artist, painting for you with pictures as a means of expressing itself in as many ways as it can.  It’s a poet and songwriter, and it expresses as the love you feel.  And all of this is still just a glimpse into what’s available there at the Source of it all: You, Your Heart. 
Come here within your heart and be enraptured and enthralled.  The love here and available is waiting and ready for you to explore.  There is no password or key to get in; it’s available now and you can use it to express like it so naturally does already, painting this world around you.  You haven’t even begun to perceive the heart’s art.   
You can give your full attention to what’s beautiful around you and within you, and it will be inspired.  You are the heart’s mentor and it, your apprentice.  It awaits your direction and you give it with your attention.  Recognize its mastery, its brilliance, and its talent in the way it paints your world.  Give it the accolades it deserves and you support and encourage its development. 
In your heart, there is so much untapped potential awaiting release.  Nurture it with your gratitude and encourage it with your honour.  Thank your heart for the creation it has given and offer the loving support and guidance it needs from you, as a loving parent would give a child.  Talent, when nurtured, blossoms and reaches its full potential.
Each of you is an artist and the canvas is your world.  You hold the talent and potential in your heart, so set it free and let it express in whatever way comes naturally.  If you give it love and the freedom to grow into whatever it will be, without expectations, then it can fill your canvas and amaze you with the most unimaginable beauty!  Praise the heart for its brilliance and show it how much you love the way it expresses so uniquely and divinely, and you will encourage it to be all that it can be. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
