
Become Friends With Your Higher Self

It is our honour, pleasure, and delight to come here and share words with you in this way, divine souls of Earth!  Hello to each of you and thank you for being here with us!  We are so thankful to be here with you and we wish to show it and express it as much as we can in ways that you are sure to receive.  We want to give you gifts and fulfill your dreams.  We want to do this for both you and your higher self because you both have wishes and you are trying to find common ground together while you come to terms with being both human and soul in a physical experience.
Your human side is just learning that it isn’t one alone and separate from its soul and all of us guides.  Up until now, you took yourself to be very separate and detached from your soul, not even believing it had its own desires or a mission to carry out within the human body.  You knew there was a soul essence because many spoke of that which gives you life and it’s the soul or spirit of every being which you could all feel there and believed to be true.  You knew enough about life and death to see the clear difference between a body inhabited with life and one in death which had no signs of spirit remaining.  It has always been an undeniable feeling and awareness, but the gravity was never known as it is now.
So, we will speak of now because it’s the moment we are all so interested in.  Now, you know there’s a soul leading you through life’s adventures, and you know you can have direct communication with this soul.  You’ve come to refer to this part of yourself which guides your experience as your Higher Self.  This is the part of you who has always been there and you knew about, but never opened to or considered in such a literal way.  This Higher You has all the answers and is ready to strike a balance between what you both want.
Are there different wants?  Absolutely not!  There’s you and higher you, but both are you; both have always been you!  So, you believe you were forced into experiences which caused you much pain and suffering and your natural reaction is to look for someone to blame.  It’s so convenient to find out that there was a higher self in charge this whole time, because now you have somewhere to point your finger.  Look closely, sweet ones – the finger is pointing right back at you!  That you, higher and with deeper-knowing, is the same you who was always there and always calling the shots and pulling the strings.  It has been you all along, beautiful human.  There was no monster casting punishment upon you for karma or sins committed.
Work together and find a friendship with your higher self.  You can’t offend your higher self for placing the blame and pointing the finger, because that was you receiving the blame.  You looked at your angry self and you understood why those feelings were there, because you know yourself and you expected it.  You have patience and love for yourself and you can’t ever scare yourself away with harsh words or rejection because you never leave yourself!  You are you, whether there are higher or lower aspects, and you stay with yourself, as yourself.  Be angry and even have a big fight if you want, but it’s only you that you’re directing it toward.  Notice the futility and feel yourself soften.  You’ll see that fighting with yourself gets you nowhere, but being friends with yourself only brings rewards.
You want what your higher self wants, and vice versa.  Clear it up and move from blame to harmony.  If you can use your time and energy for finding a balance, you’ll receive peace and relief beyond anything you could have imagined.  Your higher self is ready to share all of your hidden dreams with you and if you release the fear, you’ll see that they are the very same dreams you have and have always had.  Shake hands and let Higher You tell you all your secrets.  You’ve been holding them back, but now you can be in on it and part of the whole design.  You can be part of your divine planning sessions and choose which secrets you want kept or revealed, depending on your shared wants.  Your higher self is here to serve, so serve yourself, and jump with joy for this discovery!
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
