
Creating Your Path with Your Soul-Family

Loving ones, we are here.  Hello, divine Lights and welcome into this channel of love.  You are sharing in the energy of this physical being’s channel when you come here to read.  You feel all of us through Christy, but you feel this Ali-Ayaele, the soul you know well, in the heart.  Soul-family, you are united here in these pages, in these channeled messages, and you are all taking part in their creation, no matter when you stumble across them, whether on the day of the post or far into the future.  You are designing moments to step into, and you have them arranged so carefully and perfectly to be found when the energy lines up.
There is some art to lining up the energy, but it is always arranged for you to find when it is necessary.  An epiphany will come to you as you have planned, but it will appear to be your own discovery.  The human experience is about growth and the discovery of one’s power as a soul.  You find the most depth and growth when you uncover answers for yourself because it gives you that empowerment you seek as the human being.  You want to create a path where you can make discoveries and learn something new about yourself and existence, so you and your soul-family work together to arrange for these experiences and revelations.
Your intuition is your guide, sweet ones.  The soul who put these points on the roadmap is riding along with you as your navigator: You’re in the driver’s seat and your higher self is whispering directions which come to you like feelings of knowing just what to do or where to go.  Mental attention to it makes no difference, but you can play with it and think about it to see if it feels like you might have had these intuitive nudges in the past.  This is all feeling and not even so much in the physical sense, either.  You feel with your love, angels.  You feel what to do and who to connect with and the physical world helps you through the door to your heart: Synchronicities are your reminders to stop, check in with your heart, and feel your love there.  Your path of discovering things on your own is part of learning how to do this heart-check, and you will get better at it because you and your soul-family have made it that way.
Everything about your experience on Earth is a journey.  The steps and stages are your making, and you want to move through them.  You want to feel lost, sometimes.  You want to feel frustrated.  You want the challenges to arise so that you'll feel the need to reach out to others for help.  When you seek out others for guidance, this is how you find your soul-family!  You can trust that the right soul will pop up in the right place and time because you are doing this together.  Your soul-sister Ali might channel just the right message for you to find when you need it, and you might comment in the right moment and give her just what you both agreed you would.  Trust your nudges and follow through. 
There is no wrong way, and you aren’t doing anything wrong.  If you can’t hear your own guides, then you have arranged it to be a point of experience on your roadmap because you wanted to move through it on your own.  Perhaps you wanted to learn trust and acceptance for your divine plan.  Or, it could be that you wanted to feel deep disappointment or neglect so the reward of empowerment would be so much greater when conquered on your own.  As a human, it’s important to walk your steps and find the answers because it gives you the experiences of growing, learning, overcoming, and teaching!  You are doing all of this to become better guides and teachers to your soul-family, but you’re doing it for the joy of the adventure, too.  You have so many individual reasons, and your intuition is telling you what they are, right now.  Reach inside and feel for your love and you’ll sense everything you need to know and do in this moment, at this point on your journey.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
