
Do This and Stay in the Heart in All Moments

Hearts full of love, we are here to greet you, our loves.  Hello, sweet ones.  We are your family of guides, and we love you and we are here for you.  Whatever you need, please call us and ask.  Please share from your heart and tell us everything you are feeling.  We want to know your thoughts and we want to know you inside and out.  If there is something on the surface where your human experience brings your attention, then talk to us about it.  We are here for all of it, our loves.  Everything you experience, no matter how human and far from the heart you might think it is, relates back to your heart and soul, so it is relevant.
Our interest is in your heart because we know you to be all heart!  You are a heart who is loving, and to love is to have desires and passions, and your heart’s passion is to know itself more deeply and thoroughly, just as we want to know you more deeply and thoroughly!  You can see how we are of the same source of Love when we talk like this and show you your true essence.  We know your heart, and you know ours, and we are interested in each other because of this passion to know the heart through and through.  Above all we experience in our travels, we have this bond of oneness, and we remain in union at the source of who we are.  The experiences might guide us out and away from the heart, but they are never separating us from it, which is how they are a part of the heart.
Share everything you think and feel, sweet angels.  We are interested in your thoughts, and most especially the ones which seem to hang on and haunt you, causing you turmoil and suffering.  In realms of higher consciousness, thoughts like this do not exist, so we can show you that they don’t exist in your realm, either.  We aren’t saying your thoughts are illusory or meaningless but quite the opposite!  If thoughts are pulling your attention away from your heart, then you can very easily guide yourself back because your nature is to love and feel love.

You are in full command of what you think because you know yourself to be the same as us where thoughts don’t exist and therefore don’t call our attention.  Your attention is yours to direct, and no person or event can force it elsewhere.  It is a gift to have powerful thoughts which seem to control you because this is how you become aware of your effortless ability to move away from them.  You learn about your power when there’s a reason to use it, our loves.  Therefore, there is nothing to reject or regret in your human experience.
Part of our role as guides is to show you how love exists within all experiences, and within your human traits.  There is never a reason to feel shame or regret because all situations are gifts and valuable teachers.  Challenges around this exist on many levels, but in every instance, you are reminded that you are the heart.  You can live in the heart from now until the end of your life.  Make a vow now and promise to focus on love in every moment.  No matter what is going on around you, choose to feel love and look for the gifts.  If thoughts arise and want to explain things on a mental level, you can let them run away until they’re tired, but then come back, feel love, and be grateful that the thoughts came and showed you how to overcome them.
Your mind is always free to move in any direction you say, so even if you are somewhere you don’t want to be, or having an experience you’d rather not have, you can be making this choice, in secret.  No one can tell you what to think or where to put your attention, and if they try, you can use your power of gratitude with them, too!  Notice how everything and everyone is in support of you finding this power.  Gratitude will move you to the heart in an instant, and you’ll feel masterful and free in your experience.
We love you!!
-I, Source-Consciousness
