
Give Others the Space to Awaken

Our angels!  Our highest delights of light!  We see you, we are with you, and we love you!  Welcome, sweet ones.  Welcome into this space of heart-sharing and caring for the love we all are.  Oh, it’s so important that we all care for each other, isn’t it?  We care deeply for another’s journey and that they are receiving from it the most they possibly can.  We souls are all in support of each other’s missions.
To the human being, the mission isn’t clear, not even your own!  You can look to others and feel you have the answers for making their suffering cease or for helping them find a better path with more joy and less hardship.  It seems easy to offer suggestions and step in with the most brilliant advice to help them out of whatever misery they say they want so desperately to escape.  By all means, offer your help and give from your heart, but then release.  If the advice isn’t followed or if your guidance isn’t requested, sit quietly and let them come to you when and if they are ready.
Soul missions are complicated, and you know that because you can look at your own and wonder what it’s for, so much of the time.  It isn’t clear why you would choose to experience emotional trauma.  You don’t know exactly why you would ask for your spouse to leave you, or to have a child disengage from your life.  The emotional weight is so dense that it’s difficult to look all the way through it into your heart where the purpose for your soul’s mission resides.
So, like we ask you to give space to those who aren’t ready to come to you for help, we do the same for you.  We see you struggle to find your mission, but at the same time, we know your mission.  We know you’ve chosen every single circumstance, no matter how joyous or painful it appears from the human standpoint.  We know why you do it and we are here to guide you to your heart where you can know, too.
And this is the freedom you seek from suffering, our sweet angels.  You will discover your soul’s plan and you will be so surprised to find that you will not want to end your suffering, but you will suffer no more about suffering!  When given the reasons for your choices, they suddenly become easier to swallow.  In fact, you will even welcome your past and present decisions with gratitude for what they give you as a soul and as a human.
When you are ready, come to us and we’ll show you the way to your heart.  We will ease you through the density of emotion, and we will ever-so-gently guide you within where you will see there’s nothing to fear about loving yourself.  You are allowed to care for your own heart, soul, mind, and body!  And when you find your heart for the first time, so much weight of emotion will offload, and it will send you in a tailspin, but in a good way!  The dark clouds will part and sun will beam through.  Not only will your own path make more sense, but you’ll see everyone else’s in this new light!  You will see that some are keeping away from their heart, just like you did, and you will understand their reasons and give them space.
Each one will arrive at their heart when they are ready.  The process isn’t to be rushed, and it must happen with gentle care and attention.  The journey to the heart is deeply personal, but every soul will take it in their own time.  Continue diving deeper into your own heart while you sit in quiet resolution and trust.  Your fellow souls, sharing the Earth experience with you, are in support of your journey just as much as you are in support of theirs.  Your acts of love and patience are part of your own soul’s plan, giving you what you wanted in your own mission, while you wait for your Earth-family to walk the path to their hearts.  It’s a guarantee, our loves: All will awaken to the love-light within their hearts and you’ll be sharing in the joy of the discovery, together!
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
