
Love's Pushers and Pullers

Our beautiful divine lights, hello!  We love you and we are thankful for this opportunity to be one with you, within you, and within ourselves.  WE are sometimes suited to be within a physical role and within a physical body, and sometimes we want only to be the essence of love and experiencing as that.  When a soul picks a body and environment to experience, it sometimes identifies very closely with that experiencing-self.  The guiding-self is love.  The experiencing-self is love plus everything else. 
You are not the costume or the suit you wear.  We don’t see your suit when we “look” at you because we look from within and we just “see” your soul.  You know we don’t see with eyes like you do.  You know you also don’t see with eyes!  We perceive of each other through love’s senses, only.  That’s our only sense, sweet loves: JUST LOVE.  And this is why we so strongly lean this way in our talks to you.  You are love and you sense with and as love, only. 
The strong guidance we offer to look within where there are no eyes to see is not just our own guidance: Your world is all either pushing you within, or pulling you within.  Beautiful souls within their human costumes will use their physical assets to help guide you within.  The human outfit offers abilities the angel doesn’t have and sometimes that means pushing you with their hurtful words or behaviours.  Sometimes a human uses its angelic qualities to pull you within where you meet in the heart.  You will either want to escape into self-love, or you will be magnetized into self-love.  Either way, you are drawn within, thanks to your human family, in whatever role they choose to use to guide you there. 
Then you have us guides who live entirely within and are the strongest magnet of all.  You have taken enough pushing from your external world and we’re here now with a presence more alive than it has ever been, to pull you inside.  Everything is asking you to come here and join us in loving you, and it’s because your whole experience, internal and external, is you!  Your greatest and only asking of yourself, through all that you are on the outside and the inside, is to love yourself more.  Go deeper and continue to know yourself as love and explore the vastness of it!  You can go so much deeper and find so much more, sweet angels.  Keep on accepting the guidance of the pushers and pullers, and go deeper into finding and loving your soul. 
Through the push or pull within, the direction is always up.  Push-up or pull-up, the world of you has been designed to guide you inside.  Your joy is lifted, your self-perception is lifted, your love is lifted, your hope is lifted, and your vibration is lifted.  All of this elevating of self is ascension through dimensions.  The way up is in and the way in is by listening to the guidance.  Look carefully and find that all the guidance you are receiving and have ever received wants you to love yourself and look back into you where that love lives vibrantly and brightly.  There is nowhere else you are but here, within.  This is your full identity and your whole self, sweet Angel of Love.  Come here and be with us, join us all in loving you, and then be more of who you truly are, more deeply and freely. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
