
More Soul Family Connections Coming Soon

Hello, all of you beautiful and bright sparkling stars of Earth!  Here we are with you and we are so overjoyed, delighted, and thrilled to join you like this for a message of love and hope and peace and freedom and abundance!  We are enjoying our experience and we are enjoying being a part of yours.  There is much to discuss by way of changes coming up on your Earth and in the changes you will see into the next coming months of your time.  We want to be sure to clearly state that we make no predictions about specific events but rather we take readings of energy levels to do with the vibration of those inhabiting your planet and of the planet, itself.  We look at what effect the spiritual awakening process is having on the dimensional frequency of you collectively and we read the Earth’s frequencies in relation to your awakening.
Our reading at present shows some interesting fluctuations occurring within the Earth grids or ley lines which create a pattern you might visualize with us, not unlike your longitude and latitude lines.  Picture it like energy currents running just below the surface and then feel them beneath your feet.  The animals are showing signs of feeling the changes and they are following the patterns which are heightened and strengthened, like a magnetic pull of love guiding them onward.  As these lines are fed by your awakenings, the currents vibrate at a faster rate and thus compel you to notice with your own vibrational range.  You, like the animals, are drawn to these lines and guided to follow them on an intuitive level where thought plays little part.  Your heart feels where love pulls it, and your feet respond and carry you where the heart tells them to go.
As more of you awaken to the energy of love you are, you electrify your planet.  It’s very basic and not that scientific because even though you are taking on many shapes and roles, you are all energy there in your world of form.  Energy attracts like energy, and it’s a natural law of love which exists in all things.  While associated with being physical, love continues being love and continues to attract that which it feels magnetized toward.  Let love carry your feet, your attention, your mind, and your body where they feel drawn.  The grids are displaying more power beneath those who are feeling the magnetic pull of love and that power is traveling and connected to the rest of the grid.  Your unique signature is charging the grid-lines beneath you right now and setting course for anyone you’re magnetized toward, vibrationally.  Another on your planet is doing the same, and magnetizing you to them.  Inevitably, like energy finds the feet and takes you to the physical being you’re attracted to on this level of love within.
Feel the vibration in the Earth and notice the way you contribute when you feel love and connection to the grid.  Visualize your power charging the lines and affecting the Earth, animals, and humans.  We see what you’re doing when you power up the grids, and we see those who respond in the heart and are pulled to your energy in whatever way you send it out.  If you sing and feel the love in the music, you power the grid and attract those in the same frequency zone.  If you write like our channeling friend here, you are giving the Earth the higher frequencies and attracting animals and humans who vibrate at that level.  You are also attracting those of us here in the higher realms when you charge your love-lines, so remember that this grid goes beyond the physical because energy is one and everywhere.  Whomever is being called to you will be attracted and will find you either as energy or as form.  The connections are being made at a fantastic rate at this time, and you can rely on the law of love to do its job and bring us all together in the right way, place, and time.
We love you!!
-I, Source-Consciousness
