
Nothing Isn't Divinity

Hello, loving ones!  Here we are and we are together.  It’s a divine moment to share with you and divinity is all around you.  You can sense divinity with any of your senses, including the thinking sense.  You make sense of things with your mind, and so we can consider it a sense just like sight and touch.  You are sensing your world with your mind for so much of your time, so it’s one of your major centres of input.  Information often enters through the mind first and then transfers to the rest of your senses, so it’s a primary source of receiving your world.
Your world is your creation.  You think about your creation and process it through your mind and you do this for such a large part of your time as a human being.  You are weighing options, reflecting on memories, and working out problems with your thoughts, and then you are sending them into the feeling centres of your body and spirit.  You are doing your very best to follow our guidance and feel your world before thinking about it, but your structure as the human is to use the body to bring in information and then turn it over to spirit, the heart, next.
There is no fault here, angels, in thinking first and feeling later.  The purpose of experiencing the physical world is to enjoy everything which comes along with it.  When you use your body to extrapolate the information you are ingesting, you are assimilating with your experience.  You are processing physical information through physical means, and this is the most logical and natural response.  Beings relate with their world through comparison and familiarity, so if you know yourself to be physical, then you will relate to the world the same way you relate to yourself.  You use what you know to make sense of the input you receive.
You are becoming much more than physical now that you have awakened to knowing yourself as a being of energy, light, and love.  Standing inside of this perception of self gives you a new OUT-look.  No longer are you looking outside of the self to process the information received because you are now aware that the outside is actually inside!  An entirely new way of sensing your world is awakening and changing the way you respond to your experience.  However, even as all of this new shifting is occurring, you are still living as a physical thing; you are still interpreting from the body’s position while also taking in your world as an angel.  It’s a juggling act while you learn to be both at once.
Release pressure to switch over to angel-sensing and let your transition be organic.  You are having a physical experience but you are also having a spiritual experience.  These can happen together because you are that skilled, our loves.  You don’t need to pick a side or be frustrated when form feels stronger because it’s just energy flowing whether it takes a shape or not.  You are sensing physical divinity and formless divinity and you are both while in this Earth-experience.  You are divine whether you have a form or not, and so you can sense your world with all your divine senses and enjoy them as they’re meant to be enjoyed.
We come back to this and say just play and love your creation.  New senses will awaken, but the senses you have are just as fun to play with because they are always shifting as new self-perception awakens!  You’ve come to Earth to enjoy it all in as many ways you can sense, so do it with everything you’ve got and as all you are.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
