
Our Deceased Loved Ones are Working with the Guides

Hello, divine ones, our bright beings of the beautiful Earth realm!  We are here with you in legions!  We are your support team.  We are your guides, the multitudes of angels, galactic collectives, the elemental kingdom, ascended masters, and MORE!  Your beloved deceased collective, those who chose to remain here with us instead of reincarnating, are also guiding us to knowing you better!  These angels, your family members who have passed on, have first-hand experience in the Earth realm, and provide a wealth of information.  Not only have they incarnated in physical form, they’ve done it recently, so they know many of you who are still on Earth.  They have lived with you, so they can give us pointers on how best to reach you or connect to you.

Bear in mind, these souls are not here working hard, missing out on the experience of being out of body, once again.  In fact, they are having a ball, our loves!  They are exploring the formless realm, getting reacquainted with us and others who are here.  The help they give us in knowing you and relating to your experience is part of the joy and fun of their return to Source!  The consciousness was, for the time on Earth, withheld in many ways, and is now returned in fullness, so there is no longer any idea of work to do or chores to complete.  The focus for them is the same as ours: To love!  And who do we love?  All of Source!  We love each other and we are especially interested in guiding those in the collective consciousness who are in positions like yours where awareness of divinity is shadowed.

Your experience is of great interest and value to us here in the higher dimensions, sweet ones.  Love propels us forward, love guides us where we are most needed, and love is what lead us to you.  Your experience on Earth isn’t much different than this, for love is the incentive for everything you do!  We love to draw comparisons between our experience and yours because with more awareness, we see how you are assisted and freed from much of what bothers and bewilders you.  The most effective help we have been able to give thus far, thanks to the guidance of these beloved souls, is to show you our similarities and the traits you share with us guides.  Your family of deceased can also play out scenarios with us before we engage with you and their feedback is priceless.

Continue to watch for signs from your past loved ones.  They will often appear in your dreams, giving you metaphors and personal messages which you will intuitively understand.  They have shown us how you love to get messages in the physical, whether that’s through dreams or in the signs popping up around you in your daily interactions.  We are learning much from them, sweet ones.  We are taking their guidance to heart, and we are also offering them the assistance they need to reach you in the ways they desire.

No one goes it alone, angels.  In death or in life, guides are grouped in masses around you.  You’re not ever left to wander lost in darkness without a map.  The path is lit brightly, and we are all doing our agreed parts to make sure you pick up on the signs and messages.  You need never wonder whether you’ll miss something or step in the wrong direction.  With this many at your side, we guarantee you won’t make a wrong turn.  We ask you to trust because it makes for a lighter experience, but even if you didn’t trust, you’d still never be left to fend for yourself.

Our hearts are with you, our love is strong and eternal, and we are guiding in this moment and around every turn.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
