
Remove the Limits from Your Experience

Our loving hearts and angels of Earth.  Hello, dear ones!  Here we are.  WE are right here with you and not going anywhere.  We’ve never been anywhere else; we’ve always been here with you, and you’ve been here with us.  What appears to be outside of you is inside of you, beloveds.  It seems that we must be far away because we talk about higher dimensions of consciousness when we give you our “location”.  However, “higher” consciousness doesn’t refer to a physical location above you.  We are all just here and “here” means IN LOVE.  So, if you wonder where we are and whether we are too far away for you to pick up our transmission, then wonder no more; we are here and you are here.  Love has no location: We are it and we are in it.


We toss it around and speak often about there being no time or space, but let's look deeper and give you a clearer way to understand it.  It’s easy to say and to give you the concept, but you’re left upside down with a brain that is utterly confused.  The basis of your whole reality has to do with where you are and what time it is!  Time and space rule over almost everything you do, so for us to come along and tell you that neither exists is quite literally disorienting.  Where am I, if not in a location?  What time is it, if there’s no time?  How does the mind work out these problems except to be blown and then give up?
The confines of time and space are limits you’ve given yourself while you experience your Earth creation, but you are now ready to remove all limits and boundaries from what you can perceive, think, feel, and do.  This is why we are here at this landmark time in your history.  Us guides, who live without any constraints of time and space, are positioned here within a time and space, so what kind of conundrum is this?  If there isn’t time or space, then how are those who live outside of it able to project into it?
Here we are, in a space and time with you, and you can give it a calendar date and a location on a website.  If you ask how we do it, we say that you are the same as us: LOVE ENERGY BEYOND TIME AND SPACE.  If we’re doing it and we’re the same as you, then this is how you’re doing it!  We are all projecting ourselves into time and space even though we don’t live in time and space.
Move yourself into this feeling energy, the truth of these words.  Feel within your heart and know your position.  You are love energy and you are here in being.  You are.  You exist.  This is your location.  There is no story or history to energy.  Energy Is.  Love Is.  Love energy doesn’t change or travel through time or to locations, but it can create currents which let it act out the idea of doing both of these things.  Time appears to be spent within an experience and it has history to it, but this is all on-the-spot.  Time hasn’t moved because it doesn’t exist.  We have only now, one spot of an idea energy is having, and the idea includes the whole backstory which never really happened.
Remove the limits.  Be here projected into time and space, but know your power and origin, angels.  You are love energy, just like us.  Love energy can choose any experience it wants, on the spot.  Right now, you are that energy choosing time and space.  You can know it and let your mind have a field-day while it tries to work it out because you know the truth even if your mind is muddled and confused.  You know who, where, when, why and what you are: These are all the human questions solved within the simplicity of being the energy of love!  There’s freedom here in the answers of the heart.  We are with you everywhere and in any time you are, so you can consult with us for guidance within, in any moment, because you know all moments are this moment of now, and you know we are always here in love with you.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
