
This Fresh Moment is Unlike Any Other

Greetings and warm salutations to you all, our family on Earth!  Hello, beautiful souls!  We are here with you and we love you just the same as we love ourselves and every other collective who joins here for each of these messages.  The messages are created and delivered in a timely way, for you.  We tailor them perfectly for the moment and we create them with you the reader, with our channeling angel, Ali, and with all other collectives here, in this present.
Right now, as these words land on the screen, this is a new creation for this new present moment.  We have never spoken these same words before, we have never felt like this before, and we have never before been in this same frequency together.  This is such a fresh moment and when you receive a message channeled from consciousness, you can feel the new, blossoming flower it is, each time.  Now is always fresh because every particle within it is just budding and opening for the first time!  The spring season carries this vibration, and gives you the feelings of new creation and new birth just like the present moment carries within it, no matter the season.
Let this creation, this message for the collective, unfold and bloom here in this now.  Make this moment beautiful and create it with the purity of your heart.  We are pure love, and love is also always fresh and reborn.  We don’t need clocks or history books to make this into a story, angels.  The story of love is just now.  The story of love is here and new right now and it doesn’t look back.  We, as love, are only interested in this moment and all we can feel within it.  So, we can use these messages as opportunities to refamiliarize with this passion which is sometimes made to be forgotten for the purposes of the journey.
Sometimes, the story is the most important thing as we explore into the heart of consciousness, this one I we are.  We sometimes want a story which isn’t fresh or blooming and we want it to seem long and arduous.  So, we allow ourselves to go into a deep sleep, when this mood strikes, and we forget the true story and swap it out for a work of fiction.  We induce a trance-like state and keep ourselves under until we have explored enough, and then we slowly awaken and remember truth, again.  Here you are, in the muck and mire of this awakening, and you’re sorting out which is truth and which is fiction.  We’re here to help, divine loves.  We’ve taken you by the hand and we are leading you through, now.
So, create this fresh moment with us.  Drop the words onto the page and watch them land in the void of the unknown.  You can write anything here; it’s empty and wide open, awaiting whatever idea blossoms from your heart!  It’s yours to create and it’s all happening with us right here and right now.  What will you write?  What do you want to see written on your page?  We invite you to open a blank document and start typing.  We ask you to close your eyes and record a voice-memo and just see what falls out into the moment.  You can let the words come naturally and you don’t ever need to share them, but just open to the freshness of now and see what is ready to bloom from within your heart.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
