
Where Does Reality Come From?

Our loves and dearest hearts of Earth, hello and welcome!  We’re here in your hearts to greet you and meet you as one.  We are the collective consciousness, you included, and we are God.  Together, we make up God’s love and it’s the Source of all things perceived.  If you feel it or sense it in any physical or non-physical way, it’s been created by God – by US!!  Creation and reality are the same thing, our sweet loves.  Creation happens inside of the love we feel.  We are this love and so creation is us.  What we sense and feel has been made from love, from us, and so it’s real.

Let’s see if you can create reality right now.  Imagine a white wedding cake with the bride and groom figurines on top.  If you can see it in some way in your mind, then it is real and created here and now in this moment.  You just made a whole cake topped with icing and adornments and you did it in less than a second!  You made reality with your senses, and you did it deliberately.  You might say this isn’t the same reality as the one you’re experiencing on Earth, but we ask you to question why that is.  Is there a rule which tells you your Earth-reality is more real than the one in your mind?  Both have come from the same Source: You/God/Love.

Now that you know reality is your choosing, you can shift your perception.  You are the Creator, so you make the rules.  If you want only one reality, then make it so by declaring it within your beliefs.  Or you can go against what you’ve believed up until now and say that reality is not just one experience: Every experience you can perceive can be a reality, so you can live in many realities at once!  Challenge it and draw comparisons.  You touch your face, and it has texture and temperature.  You say you can’t touch the cake or take a bite because it’s in your mind, but is that true?  Try it.  Feel the icing on your fingers and feel the fluffy texture on your tongue.

You will now either want to get yourself a piece of cake or be inspired to try this reality-comparison with other things and other experiences, or both!  We want you to question the origin of creation and redefine reality.  You might find so many similarities between the realities you compare that you’ll no longer refer to the Earth-experience as your singular or “realest” reality.  We want that for you.  We want to show you that you have the freedom you believe you seek, and it’s inside of this love you are as Us, as God, as the collective consciousness, and as the Source of all that is.  Create your worlds, sweet angels.  Show yourself new realities which are waiting right here within you.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
