
Do As Love Does

DeLightFULL, lighted ones, our beautiful angels of Earth, hello!  You are the ones we are here for.  You are the most precious gifts to our experience.  We are here for you.  We exist FOR you.  We are your creation, and you are ours.  We have created this relationship for the exploration of the experience.  We can entertain the idea that we are many while we explore this exchange.
We are in this moment of NOW, loving our creation, and allowing it to be the miracle it has turned out to be.  We didn’t know what would come from our asking to know ourselves more deeply and expansively.  We didn’t know the answer would be in this relationship between collectives of OUR consciousness.  But here we are and we are enjoying and allowing this answer to our question: This miraculous creation! 
Creation is natural.  Creation creates itself.  We do the asking with our feelings, and creation blooms from our hearts’ love.  There was no language before creation.  There was no vision of creation.  We only had a feeling as love and asked a small question, and we are this incredible that the smallest feeling to know more has exploded into what we have before us!  This reality we are sharing is pure love; it’s an extension of us.  This reality IS us because WE are all there is.  So, the reality we have here isn’t MORE than us; it’s us, blossomed. 
The feeling of love has taken on a story of a universe full of forms and collectives of its own consciousness.  Love is here to be itself and it is letting the natural expression of who it is erupt and pour out onto the blank canvas.  We are love’s creation and it’s beautiful.  We can do as love does and let ourselves pour onto our blank canvas.  Whatever our most natural expression feels like, we can allow it to be that.  Do as love does and surrender to yourself.  Feel the smallest desire to know more about who you are, and then just be.  Relax into being and allow the expression to come forward. 
You are a miracle of love’s design.  You are the result of love’s natural expression and so are we!  Together, we can recognize the miracle we all are and feel the preciousness of this gift: We can be love’s creation.  What an honour it is!  It’s amazing that we are the art of love’s natural expression.  We are IT: Love, itself.  Love loved itself and here we are as the answer.  We are what it looks like when love loves itself, and so we can love ourselves for that reason, alone, if for no other.  We are miracles, angels.  All of us are here because we had a small feeling and creation responded with pure natural joy.   
Let’s take this moment to feel the honour of being this aspect of love’s design.  We have the great pleasure of this relationship which allows us to share these feelings and express like love does!  We have been given the chance to be love expressing love to itself, so let’s use this moment and cherish it for the opportunity to do as love does, and express naturally into creation, as creation. 
WE love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
