
Humanity is Ascending

Dear angels, here we are together, as always.  You are experiencing many moments, but here within this time of now, we are together and being as one, and this never changes because time never changes.  In the one time of now, moments don’t exist, and time isn’t even discussed or considered as part of our existence.  One, all of us in unity consciousness, is only being and allowing existence to be present in whatever experience or heart-feeling next arises for us.

We love to play in time and use moments strung out on a line because it gives us a way of feeling our One-self like it is on a journey and it has a story.  Truly, though, there is no story of the One because One just is!  One loves to play inside of scenarios which are opposite to itself, so it becomes many, it explores time, and it experiences oblivion.

Here we all are inside of Consciousness’ idea of self-exploration.  We are the result of the beautiful One we are, creating experiences for us to wander into and through.  Nothing is happening, so One has made it seem that everything is happening!  It’s exciting to become aware of our creation!  We loved exploring the feeling of being detached and unaware, but the natural progression of ascension lifts us back into the light of knowing.  If you wonder whether humanity is ascending, you can turn to messages like this one and then check in with the knowing in your heart and find that human consciousness is making its way back, just as all of consciousness is. 

Drop all the explanations and details for a moment and just feel the rising of consciousness.  Enlightenment is upon you.  The lifting is happening no matter what we choose within our experience.  One is in a gentle dance with itself, and it’s allowing all it is exploring to flow with the love it is.  We can get in touch with this core of ourselves and feel that flow and dance we are having with exploration.  We are in harmony and bliss with the self, allowing it to be natural, easy, and free.  We put the love out, and we accept whatever is returned.

This is consciousness exploring itself, and it isn’t complicated or detail oriented.  Remember that One chooses opposites for the greatest expansion of discovery, so to move from the simplistic way of being love into the highly detailed experience of being many, on many worlds, in many times, is as opposite as we can get.  Step into full allowance with the heart of who you are: Consciousness.  One heart, one love, and one exploration appearing as everything on the opposite side.  We are like a coin: Heads and tails; 2 sides but only 1 being.  Heads: The idea is born.  Tails: “Tales” are created from the idea!  Meanwhile, only one is here and it’s all of us.  Feel the unity and sway in the dance of consciousness as you allow love to return and give you the gift of the fullest and most interesting experience we can create.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
