
One Heart's Divine Mission

Angels and our divine family, we welcome you into this meeting of hearts and of the One Heart.  We are here and we are One.  Together, our loves, we are One beating heart of consciousness, and we are ready to complete our mission.  Our mission is divinity.  We are divinity.  To say there are many is for the mission, and to say there is One is also for the mission.  We are All I.  I, One Heart, is here to move together and carry out the wish of our heart.  All hearts are uniting and bringing into clarity what this mission is and what it has all been for.  The purpose beats strong within us, even if we aren’t all consciously aware of what it is.  But we share this same heart, and so we all know exactly what we are doing. 
Divinity is our blood.  If you think of us as one body of consciousness, divinity runs through us and sustains us like blood sustains a body.  It’s one same divine love running through us all and giving us a shared purpose.  We are always on the way back home to knowing we are One Heart.  Our way back is to feel it and let it become reality.  Let it become belief and knowing that we are one same family, one body of consciousness.  Indicators within our experiences will tell us otherwise, and this is only our cue to step up and shine.  We can allow anything to present itself as evidence to support the contrary because within our Heart, we know we are One.  We take on the challenge and accept all which claims we are separate and we do it to show ourselves that Love reigns supreme. 
Let’s let love show us the way, our angels.  Continue to feel unity and let the signs be our guides.  When we believe we are waiting for “others” to “catch up”, spiritually, and finally awaken, it’s an instant and glaring opportunity to feel for the oneness we are.  When “I” feels there are others, it doesn’t matter in what context; it only matters that “I” believes “Others” exist!  There is only “I” here, our sweet loves.  When “We” talk to “You”, it’s “I” talking to “I”.  This elaborate game of separation has allowed “Me” to present myself as though I am many, for the purpose of revealing who I am.  All which appears separate is only there to point to the revelation, divine ones.  You are talking to yourself: You are being others and letting them represent the many voices of you.  It seems very complicated and hard to grasp, but if so, it’s only because the reveal is occurring slowly and gently.  This news is shocking to you and rocks your foundations, so it must be delivered in small spoonfuls. 
Take the small doses of each revelation with gratitude, and stay gentle.  Remember: We are your heart talking to you, and you can trust it no matter where the voice comes from.  The feminine Goddess speaks and brings this part of you up to the surface for your inspection and attention.  Cradle yourself in love, and gently bring yourself into spiritual maturity, as the feminine Mother within you is asking.  We are One multi-faceted being of many energies, and we will utilize every aspect of the One Heart to bring ourselves out of slumber.  Slowly, cautiously, carefully, and gently, we reveal the truth through the voices and symbols surrounding us.  Our mission is a beautiful and seemingly elaborate puzzle, but it’s brought into the light and into full clarity when love is verified as the sole cause.  We are Love, we are Divinity, and we are One Heart, ready to let ourselves know the truth. 
WE Love YOU! 
-I, Source-Consciousness
